Psychomotor Exam this saturday


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Okay, just a quick back story, I went to EMT school last summer, we had just started before the whole Covid restrictions came about. When it hit, we obviously went to at home learning, it wasn't until maybe a month later, we got permission to conduct our class hands on stuff. Because of state restrictions, the Psychomotor exam was held off. 2 weeks after graduating our instructor emailed us saying that would were given permission to do our Psychomotor exam, unfortunately I was on vacation, and couldn't just go back, so I was unable to do it.

Skip to now, well over 6 months of trying to find a school I could do my Psychomotor exam with, I have finally found one, my issue is, it's been 6 months! I passed my Cognitive exam last month, so the only thing standing between me and a certification is my Psychomotor exam.

Sorry for the story. But, I will be taking it Saturday here in MA.

Seeing it's been nearly 6 months, I have almost forgotten most stuff, proper KED, backboard, Traction splint, Trauma and Medical assessment, etc.

Does anyone know a good study, I have seen YouTube videos, and I do have my original exam sheet, any other tips?

Update: I am going tomorrow to practice at the school, but it's only a four hour class.

I am nervous as heck! Anything to make me feel better about Saturday.
Get the national registry skill sheets and memorize them. There are no tricks. It’s a simple memory game. Get the points, don’t commit a critical fail.
Get the national registry skill sheets and memorize them. There are no tricks. It’s a simple memory game. Get the points, don’t commit a critical fail.
I do have a skill sheet. My worry is missing something during Medical or Trauma Assessment. My question is "When the instructor says, "Is that all" If you forgot something during a step, can you fix it at that time.
For instance, "I forgot to have my partner take c-spine" or "I forgot to check his ears"
And that is why you need to memorize the sheet.
This is the easiest part of the NREMT test. There are no tricks.
It’s simply regurgitation of the sheet, in order.

if you miss a step, as long as it’s not a critical fail point, you can catch it before the conclusion of the testing scenario. However, critical fails like an unsafe intervention can’t be fixed. For example, if you perform an unsafe intervention like giving NTG without asking about ED meds is a critical fail. You can’t go back and magically undo it.

Remember, you do not need a perfect score to pass, you need to make the point threshold, not hits critical fail point and not run out of time before completing the skill.