Post Choking


Forum Captain
Do you guys ever run calls for post choking? What as EMS providers can we do for the patient if the object has been expelled and the pt. appears to be O.K.? When is transport necessary? What will the hospital do? In my jurisdiction, it is a BLS call.


Dances with Patients
Depends on how they look.

Any stridor, difficulty speaking, lingering cough goes in to the ER. Much stridor or difficulty speaking means I'm prepared to manage the airway in case things deteriorate.

No problems at all? No cough, normal vital signs, clear lung sounds and no stridor? If they don't want to go that's ok with me.

Also the reason for the choking is another thing I assess: is there an underlying swallowing problem? Something neuro going on? If its a kid, was there a neglect issue?

If someone did abdominal thrusts, is there any trauma from that? Abdominal exam ok? If they are very young or very old, I would be more suspicious.


Dances with Patients
So let me answer the questions:

We can support their airway, and manage it if needed if there is deterioration.

Transport may or may not be needed. See above.

The hospital might get a chest X-ray to see if the obstruction has blocked off any part of the lungs. Also if there appears to be an inordinate amount of laryngospasm they might do a bronchoscopy to see what's up.

Treatment is just supportive- if there's airway issues, the pt might be intubated while the swelling goes down, or might have antibiotics for any infection resulting from the foreign body.