Paramedic Program that doesn't require immunizations?

@Malkn you’d be super surprised to know some of the side effects of emergency medicine then…tons of stuff in there that probably doesn’t jive with Jebus.

Not to mention the whole “medical electrocution” thing.
What happens when your clinical guidelines don’t line up with your interaction of scripture?

I doubt you will find any program that allow you not to have any vaccinations. It is unlikely that clinical sites will allow this as well.

Sorry (I’m not).
Yes, you may have a religious belief and right not to be vaccinated. However...that doesn't mean you have the right to any career field you want. Vaccinations in EMS are there for reasons, specifically to protect you AND your patients. You don't get to put seriously ill patients at further risk by exposing them to a disease you should have been vaccinated against.
Healthy people do NOT need to be “pre-treated” with a disease, in order to not get the disease!
The Bible is a guide of the soul, not our source for understanding the science of physical healthcare. You could help yourself by really working on your basic education in biology and healthcare here. If you don't open your mind to education on healthcare, you would be a dangerous provider.

Knowledge will clear up some misunderstandings you labor under: you could understand that disease is not an organism or mechanism, but an altered health state caused by processes/mechanisms. You'll also learn that vaccines do NOT work by giving someone the disease they are meant to prevent.

1 Corinthians 3:17 (KJV) If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple
of God is holy, which temple ye are.
By your extreme interpretation, most medical treatments and medications would be defiling the temple of God, whether it is surgery, chemotherapy, electricity, an injection, a spray or a pill with side effects. How then do you hope to practice in the field of prehospital medicine?

- ALL Vaccines contain toxic “adjuvants” such as Mercury (Thimerosal), Formaldehyde, Aluminum,
Propylene Glycol, and many others. The King James Bible gives ZERO permission to inject poisons
into the body with a needle!
KJV doesn't give you explicit permission to do all sorts of things. Like using a microwave to make popcorn with fake butter, or eating a food with a preservative in it, or posting on the internet... for example...

You might want to learn what an adjuvant actually is, because thimerosal and formaldehyde are not adjuvants. Thimerosal has been essentially discontinued for nearly 25 years, so if your sources are telling you to lead with that as a point, then you ought to be skeptical of what else your sources tell you. I'm assuming your sources don't mention that the vaccines that do use formaldehyde use such tiny quantities that it is less than your body safely produces and metabolizes endogenously. You probably didn't know that formaldehyde is a product of your bodies continuous operation and your body processes it naturally.

The dose makes the poison.

Morphine, fentanyl and benzos you would inject as a medic can be a deadly and addictive mind altering poisonous chemicals, but can also be therapeutic. All the medications we use can kill or harm a person. What does KJV say about paralytics?

- Our bodies are perfectly capable of fighting off any disease IF we are in good health and our immune
system is functioning correctly. It is up to each individual to take care of their body which was given to
them by Almighty God
If all sick people are sinners for not caring for their body, then medicine is an affront to God's will, and thus also a sin, right?

You exhibit certainty about topics which are NOT matters of faith nor philosophy AND on which you are factually incorrect. You won't do well in medicine unless you can open your mind to the knowledge of the field you want to practice in.

Alternatively you could consider faith healing?
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Wait just a Dang Minute! Now you are coming after my SPAM, Bologna, and American Cheese sandwiches?

Jesus told me to tell you: “Nope. That’s sanctified food of The Gods”.
Wait just a Dang Minute! Now you are coming after my SPAM, Bologna, and American Cheese sandwiches?

Jesus told me to tell you: “Nope. That’s sanctified food of The Gods”.
I'm now wondering about all the beer I drank overseas that had formaldehyde in it as a preservative. 🤣
I forgot about the beers. All that time in Africa. I’m preserved I guess.
thats how you know you drank just cant remember it.