New forum idea: Q&A with a member


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This is an idea that has been brought up a time or two and today I'm moving forward with it. And I'm going to be the guinea pig.

Have you ever wanted to get to know one of our members just a little bit more? I have. It's rare to get the chance to meet a fellow forum member face to face. And for those that I have met, we're still friends to this date.

Go ahead and ask me questions. I'll pick a few out and post my responses all at once. If you don't want to post the questions below, you can send me a PC.

You can ask me just about anything, but please keep it polite and professional. I'll keep this thread open till the end of the month. Sometime during the first week of November I'll create a new thread with the answers.
EMS: Tell us about your EMS career. Why EMS? Volly or paid? Worst Call? Best Call? First Call? What instructor or coworker taught you the most about EMS? What do you wish new EMS workers knew or were taught that isn’t in the text books? What is the biggest challenge for EMS in your area?

Personal life: Married? Kids? Parents still around? Most people change careers every 7 years. What will your next career be? Why? What were your previous careers? And name three facts about yourself that most people don’t know and wouldn’t guess. Who had the biggest impact on your life outside of EMS? What would you like your tombstone to say?
im curious about the most challenging call youve had and how you overcame those challenges, and what you learned about the call and yourself.
Where did the name Chimpie come from?

Might as well close it now... Planetmike took all the other questions...
Oh no, there are many more questions. I guess my time as a reporter/theatre reviewer/interviewer (one of my previous careers) came to the fore.

You just made my day, Planet. As a former reporter myself it's nice to see I'm not the only one who left that profession to pursue medicine. I was starting to feel like an oddball. Well, I AM an oddball, but at least I have company.

This is an idea that has been brought up a time or two and today I'm moving forward with it. And I'm going to be the guinea pig.

Chimpie: I'm hitting the streets in about 6 weeks as a newly-minted EMT-Basic. I'm a bit older than most of those who will be my co-workers, and I'd rather not look like the "dumb old man." So, that said, what do you wish EMT-Basics knew about the job and the actual work that they don't teach you in the classroom? Any pet-peeve rookie mistakes come to mind?

You just made my day, Planet. As a former reporter myself it's nice to see I'm not the only one who left that profession to pursue medicine. I was starting to feel like an oddball. Well, I AM an oddball, but at least I have company.


Ha. I'm currently finishing up my EMT-B course while working full-time as a journalist.....after leaving the medical field about four years ago to pursue journalism.
I'm starting to work on these today and will continue to do so over the next week, hoping to wrap it up by next weekend.

Again, you can post your questions here or shoot me a PC.
OH! And I need you creative types to come up with a cool title for this feature.
Yeah, just got delayed. I'll try to finish it up tonight.