so its crunch time folks and i could use all the advise, help, quizes that i can put my hands on. ive been studying my quizes and the retention is
GETTING THERE, but i would like tos expand my options a little more. i have been attending all the study groups available and while those help, id like to get some advise from across the country and from you exceptional people here.
i have a quiz on wensday on ambulance operations, and an exam on saturday im forseeing more difficult times ahead with studying for all the exams comming up, im keeping focused in my endevors and you guys around here give me ALOT of inspiration to keep truckin' im asking all that can and are will to.....................CRAM MY HEAD FULL OF WHAT I NEED FOR THE FINALS.....!!!!!
im in arizona if any one is here as well feel free to shout out some things you beleive i could use to help me pass.......the balls in my court now, but i could use a sixth man off the bench....................!!!
so its crunch time folks and i could use all the advise, help, quizes that i can put my hands on. ive been studying my quizes and the retention is
GETTING THERE, but i would like tos expand my options a little more. i have been attending all the study groups available and while those help, id like to get some advise from across the country and from you exceptional people here.
i have a quiz on wensday on ambulance operations, and an exam on saturday im forseeing more difficult times ahead with studying for all the exams comming up, im keeping focused in my endevors and you guys around here give me ALOT of inspiration to keep truckin' im asking all that can and are will to.....................CRAM MY HEAD FULL OF WHAT I NEED FOR THE FINALS.....!!!!!
im in arizona if any one is here as well feel free to shout out some things you beleive i could use to help me pass.......the balls in my court now, but i could use a sixth man off the bench....................!!!