interview testing?


Forum Crew Member
So I have an interview coming up soon and while it wasn't mentioned that there would be any testing I'm not taking my chances and have been studying and refreshing myself on bls and all the basics (this is an EMT position BTW)

So I'm just curious as to how often a company usually gives "tests" or "quizzes" to potential employees during interviews. Im not worried about it. But I'd like to know how many questions are usually asked during these tests.

Thanks for the insight in advance.

I also just want to throw in that this is for a private ambulance company. If that makes a difference of course.


Forum Crew Member
Most places will tell you if there will be a written test, a skills/practical test, or both. It is common practice for them to ask you clinical or job specific questions during an interview. For instance. "You have a 300 lb 56 yo male with crushing chest pain on the third floor of an apartment complex, you have a 160 lb partner and no FD or first responders available, How will you negotiate this call" or " You have an irate parent on the scene of a sick child, how will you handle this situation." ETC