First interview


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I have my 1st interview with a ambulance service tom. I have read some past threads on the interview process and am unsure what to expect. Some say that they had to take a test and some say it was like any other interview. I will dress well and all that stuff but my concern is I have no exp. for this is my first time applying anywhere. I know my book stuff but have no real hands on training. I will hope for the best.
The questions will probably be about you and character:

"xxx company's EMT's have to go through stressful situations, describe a time in your life where you had to overcome a stressful situation. What did you do to overcome it and what was the outcome?"

Things like that
Had my interview this morning. I felt it went well. Basicly just talked. The director of opps said he didn't like to do the standard scripted interview process. He explained what they were about and so on and said sometimes someone like myself with no exp. works out well since I have no bad habits. It seemed like a decent place to work. Benefits are decent and the pay is much better than I hoped. I should know Friday.