Field Hospital for Drunks


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Field hospital for revellers as Britain revamps drinking laws

LONDON (AFP) - A mobile field hospital is being set up in a northeastern English city to deal with people who drink too much when new licensing laws are introduced later this week, health officials said.

The Remote Medical Centre, in Newcastle, will be able to cater for up to 50 people, providing portable toilets, water, trolleys, stretchers and treatment for drink-induced injuries.

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wow could you imagine working a shift there hahah talk about a hangover :D
I have been in Newcastle on a Friday and Saturday night. You cannot get falling down drunk in a pub in that town. You can pass out on your feet but it is too crowded to fall down! Go the distance and hit Hadrian's Wall.... Sounds like they are preparing in sound English fashion.
I'm so sick of dealing with drunks, I wish we could stick'em in a hole and bury them.
Originally posted by PhillyMedic@Nov 23 2005, 07:53 PM
I'm so sick of dealing with drunks, I wish we could stick'em in a hole and bury them.
The Lobster Bib Red-Bag trick works.

I run 911 in a college town. In a "Party school" college town.

Only difference between me and you is that I probably see less Colt 45 :D (j/k)

Originally posted by ptemt@Nov 23 2005, 02:54 AM
I have been in Newcastle on a Friday and Saturday night. You cannot get falling down drunk in a pub in that town. You can pass out on your feet but it is too crowded to fall down! Go the distance and hit Hadrian's Wall.... Sounds like they are preparing in sound English fashion.
LOL. I love the English, they're so proper. :)
Originally posted by PhillyMedic@Nov 23 2005, 07:53 PM
I'm so sick of dealing with drunks, I wish we could stick'em in a hole and bury them.
The drunks are the best part. Dealing with drunks and putting out fire is what this is all about.
Don't get me started. We are having our first "real" snow here... about 1" on the ground, and stupid me is running first-up at the squad.

We just got back from the guy who addmitted to having the requisite "2 beers," probably got kicked out at last call (about the right timeframe) and headed home to his female companion's residence. He was within a mile when he lost it on the icy, snowy road. Hit one telephone pole that is a guy-wire pole (no utilities, just a supporting pole) - sheared it off about 3 feet up, then crossed the road and planted the engine block of his sedan firmly into a tree. No seatbelt, left a dent in the front windshield as if he whacked it with his forehead and Chin, and also almost took off the rear-view mirror. Per PD, also broke the steering wheel off. We were dispatched BLS, after seeing the damage and smelling ETOH, ALS added.

Pt. stated he didn't remember what happened after loosing control of the car, and remembers waking up after stopping with the aid of the tree.

Pt. denies any pain except facial pain S/P facial lacerations.

To recap: +LOC, +Steeringwheel/windshield damage, +ETOH. - Screams "Trauma Center" - doesn't it??? Somehow, the Medic gets the local community hospital to accept the Pt. (thank god, would have been a 60-90 minute drive to the trauma center in this weather (and no helicoptors).

Gotta love drunks.