California firefighter and police salaries

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Forum Troll
And that is why so many medics go from ambulance to a FF/PM. Starting pay for a new FF/PM can be $120,000 base pay.


Family Guy
Heroes, truly...


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Wow $400,000 for a cop... my dad whose a captain for one of the largest sheriffs departments in the nation doesn't make that much. People think I'm crazy for wanting to get out of CA. Sure I won't make as much... but factor in cost of living, mean income... etc and the math is substantial in comparison but with everything factored in its equivalent... plus I'm happier not living in Commiefornia.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
"Commiefornia" ???
Please explain...

Cause people regularly refer to CA as "Commiefornia" or "The peoples republic of California" implying that CA is a communist state.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?

Primarily how the state is governed and the laws that are implemented. I can go from 0-100 real quick with my views and opinions on CA laws but this isn't the correct time, place, and forum to do so.


Forum Captain
Trash talking our government only erodes people's faith in it. There are a lot of hard working people in government trying to make California a wonderful place to live. These people include cops and firefighters, who are of course also government workers.
Calling it Communist just because there may be some laws and regulations you don't like is not intellectually honest, nor does it help shape an intelligent debate.
Please stop bad mouthing my state.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Please stop bad mouthing my state.

Ok now, for the record I was born and raised in CA. I can talk about MY state in any way, shape, or form I want. Just because I don't view the same as you or anyone else doesn't make me any more so wrong or right. I don't agree with CA laws, so what am I doing? Im doing and making every move I can to get out of CA. CA is a beautiful state don't get me wrong. Its the only place I know of where you can go from the desert to the beach to the mountains all in one day. However, I don't like how it costs me $280 dollars every year to register my truck, the high insurance rates, the gun laws, the smog, the fact that every time it rains the infrastructure craps out. I've been in So CAL my entire life, I'm quite frankly over it. Im tired of being chastised from everybody in MY state that don't agree with my views. I respect your views and opinions even though I may or may not agree with them. Why can't you respect mine? Why do you look at my like I just pissed on the cross because I bowhunt, or have a gun, or own a truck and take it off road? I'm tired of it. I've worked for the state and had CA take its fair share of taxes out of my paychecks and what do I see in return? Roads that are still crappy, and stretches of interstate that wash out.


Forum Deputy Chief
Governor Moon Beam. Nough said.

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Forum Deputy Chief
Sorry Chimpie!
What concerns me is the, system is not compensating as well as it should. It falls under that whole rule of inflation. The reimbursement rates seem to be either stagnant or reduced all together. To meet the wage of skills their needs to be profit. If reimbursement is minimal or does not keep up with cost you than can not of course raise wages and becomes than increasingly hard on the company providing such services. In situations of a municipal, you have systems that double bill. Yearly as a tax and than a charge any time a service is renderd case in point fire ran ems. With a private company, your profit is depending on what systems and measures are in place. In such metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles County their is a set rate for reimbursement. One flat rate of a few hundred dollars plus mileage fee plus equipment fee such as a fee for use of 02. You than break down these fees by say mrs.Jones has to go to the ED 2 miles away:
Ambulance response fee: $400
02: $150
Per mile: $1.25
Wait time fee per 15 minutes (doesn't exsist every where) $75
So lets say $600 is her bill.
The bill goes to Medicare
They only pay $300 of the bill (if your lucky)
You just made half of what you need to meet the cost of what is set as a standard rate. Lets say $300x4 calls a day 1 unit x a month. Thats $1200 for the month off that one unit. You than need to add in the cost of insurance, wages, supplys, other bills and you than are presented with why their are such low wages in the industry. If you are a monopoly say, AMR due to us all being familiar with AMR, your talking millions. But again your talking a whole birthday sheet cake that can feed 30 adults when trying to feed 100. To fix this issue, again their needs to be better reimbursements. I dunno if that would have to be lobbying or what, but if theirs money coming in at a low flow than obviously you see the problem we are currently presented with.

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Forum Troll
Sorry Chimpie!
What concerns me is the, system is not compensating as well as it should. It falls under that whole rule of inflation. The reimbursement rates seem to be either stagnant or reduced all together. To meet the wage of skills their needs to be profit. If reimbursement is minimal or does not keep up with cost you than can not of course raise wages and becomes than increasingly hard on the company providing such services. In situations of a municipal, you have systems that double bill. Yearly as a tax and than a charge any time a service is renderd case in point fire ran ems. With a private company, your profit is depending on what systems and measures are in place. In such metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles County their is a set rate for reimbursement. One flat rate of a few hundred dollars plus mileage fee plus equipment fee such as a fee for use of 02. You than break down these fees by say mrs.Jones has to go to the ED 2 miles away:
Ambulance response fee: $1,200
Night fee:$300
02: $200
Per mile: $32.50
Wait time fee per 15 minutes (doesn't exsist every where) $75
So lets say ~$1,800is her bill.
The bill goes to Medicare
They only pay $300 of the bill (if your lucky)
You just made half of what you need to meet the cost of what is set as a standard rate. Lets say $300x4 calls a day 1 unit x a month. Thats $1200 for the month off that one unit. You than need to add in the cost of insurance, wages, supplys, other bills and you than are presented with why their are such low wages in the industry. If you are a monopoly say, AMR due to us all being familiar with AMR, your talking millions. But again your talking a whole birthday sheet cake that can feed 30 adults when trying to feed 100. To fix this issue, again their needs to be better reimbursements. I dunno if that would have to be lobbying or what, but if theirs money coming in at a low flow than obviously you see the problem we are currently presented with.

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Fixed the prices for you haha

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Trash talking our government only erodes people's faith in it. There are a lot of hard working people in government trying to make California a wonderful place to live. These people include cops and firefighters, who are of course also government workers.
Calling it Communist just because there may be some laws and regulations you don't like is not intellectually honest, nor does it help shape an intelligent debate. Please stop bad mouthing my state.

First, the government's (at every level) own irresponsibility and ineffectiveness has eroded faith in it. Numerous surveys indicate that government approval ratings and faith in elected officials across the board has been falling pretty steadily for a long time now, and for good reasons. I highly doubt that a handful of people using the term "Commiefornia" has much to do with that.

Second - "intellectually dishonest"? Really? For making a joke? Financially, California is one of the least healthy states in the nation, and it also ranks right at the bottom for respecting individual liberties. These are real reasons why the population is falling. California may be one of the most awesome places in the world, but great weather and scenery doesn't put food on the table. People are fleeing the state for places with lower taxes, more employment opportunities, and a less restrictive regulatory environment.
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Forum Troll
Trash talking our government only erodes people's faith in it. There are a lot of hard working people in government trying to make California a wonderful place to live. These people include cops and firefighters, who are of course also government workers.
Calling it Communist just because there may be some laws and regulations you don't like is not intellectually honest, nor does it help shape an intelligent debate.
Please stop bad mouthing my state.
There are a lot of issues with CA. For example: if I want to buy a handgun, I am limited to one every month, I have a waiting period before I can actually get it, I have to get one that is on "CAs approved list", if I want ammo for said gun I now have to have a license, if I want to bring ammo in from a different state I now have to have a license. If I want to modify my truck I have to make sure it meets "CA approved emissions", so that intake system or programming chip that is legal in 48 other states I can now not get legally.

We have a huge amount of people sitting on death row but yet our last inmate put to death was in like 2001.

We just got it approved to release "non-violent" prisoners but also changed what is a "non-violent" prisoner.

The whole CalExit BS. "We don't like the rest of the country or the fact that trump was voted into the presidency so let's form our own nation...

We have a state scope of practice which is so very low in what we can actual do or carry and the education standards are also very low.

If I want to register my truck in CA it's about $490 every time but if I register it in a different state it is so much cheaper. We have a state tax, sales tax, gas tax, and any other tax that you can think of. Wouldn't be surprised if next year a tea tax comes into play.

Really the only nice things about CA is the Mexican food and the beautiful scenery that we have.

I am born and raised in CA so I have the right to talk about the state in whatever way I see is true. The "please stop bad mouthing my state" is part of the issue that plagues CA. If you want people to stop bad mouthing the state then the state needs to be fixed. We cater to the thin skinned population who cry and protest in the streets anytime anything happens that they don't agree with. Officer shoots bad guy with a gun = protest/riots. Citizen shoots bad guy with a gun= protest/riots. Off duty cop defends his property from teenage thugs = protest/riots. Trump might get elected = protests/riots. Trump gets elected = protests/riots. Do I need to go on?

E tank

Caution: Paralyzing Agent
People are fleeing the state for places with lower taxes, more employment opportunities, and a less restrictive regulatory environment.

Fleeing indeed. And the irony is that the same "refugees" bring the very mentality they are fleeing to where they re settle.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
Yes they get paid well (along with a high cost of living) but here's the real issue:
One reason for the high compensation: It can be cheaper for jurisdictions to pay big overtime — at 1.5 times or double regular pay — than it would be to add staff because of the pension liabilities attached to each new hire.

They earned that money by putting in hundreds, maybe even thousands, of extra hours at work.... If they want lower overtime pay checks all they need to do is hire more personnel, and the OT costs go way down.

Management wants bodies in the seats to do the job, and doesn't care about the costs until someone complains about the OT bill..... But they still won't hire more full time personnel.... The whole article is much ado about nothing


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Fleeing indeed. And the irony is that the same "refugees" bring the very mentality they are fleeing to where they re settle.

Which irritates me even more.
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