Burn Out


Forum Crew Member
I Have Come Close To The Burn Out Stage My Times and had to take breaks how many people have goten burn out and had to leave the game for a while.


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I Have Come Close To The Burn Out Stage My Times and had to take breaks how many people have goten burn out and had to leave the game for a while.

Was that a statement or a question?


EMS Guru
Although, I do believe someone can be "burned out"; I also believe it is also an over abused "catch or buzz word". Even many researchers discuss that there is no such thing, rather one becomes either dissatisfied with their job (and who doesn't?) or realize that their perception of the career is much different than what they expected.

Those that have to have the "adrenaline rush" to get by, will soon find out that it alike the true adrenaline runs out, then leave. It might take longer than others, but it will.

In general the one's that will stay, figures out that they are there for more than the l/s and the "good calls", are only a perception, which usually changes with maturity and experience. Our true reason for existence is to help those that do not know what to do. Be it performing medical treatments or just handling the present "crisis" at the time.

Many I know need to take a breather from EMS. Too bad, we do not have a "break" session, so we can regenerate our batteries. Many of those may return and many find out, it is just a job. One has to learn the old rule.."work to live, not live to work"....

I know for myself, I have been boiled, broiled, fried, and roasted more than KFC can offer, but have always attempted to head the warning signs and take some time off and reevaluate myself, and get my bearing back on track.

R/r 911


Forum Crew Member
I agree with Rid that burnout can be avoided and reversed. Ever wonder why some people go through 5 wives while others remain married for 60+ years? I'm no expert, but these things take some modicum of effort... very rarely do they fall into place automatically.


Forum Lieutenant
I must say fortunately my company encourage you to take off and seek help if they cant help you...

If you need to talk...talk... If you need time off...take it! I would "respect" a person more who takes a "break" and recovers than the person who keeps on working himself into a ditch without seeking help.

You are NOT a bad person or it doesnt mean you CANT cope when you seek help.