Accelerated EMT – B Program in July (16 Days)

Tom Perroni

Forum Crew Member
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Accelerated EMT-Program

Dates: July 23rd, 2012 – August 7th, 2012 (16 Days)

Time: 9am-6pm

Location: Commonwealth Criminal Justice Academy, 1380 Central
Park Blvd, Suite # 208 Fredericksburg, Va. 22401


1. Student must be 16 years of age or older before the start of the course.
2. Hold an approved cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) course at the beginning date of the course. This certification must also be current at the time of state testing. (CCJA will offer this training before this course for those enrolled and paid who need this training at no cost.)

Cost: $1,400.00 (This does not include Book or State and National test fees)

Coordinator: Charles A. Williams NREMT-P

Registration: Call (540) 322-3000 or e-mail

Book: Required text:

American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS)
Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured
Edition: 10th
ISBN-10: 0763778494 ISBN-13: 978-0763778491

Program description:

Emergency Medical Technician (4 year certification)

The Emergency Medical Technician course is designed to provide training to prepare an individual to function independently in a medical emergency. This course provides the basic knowledge and skills needed to provide basic life support (BLS) care and is required to progress to more advanced levels of pre-hospital patient care.

The course requires a minimum of 144 hours of classroom and skills instruction and 10 hours of Clinical/Field rotations for a total of 154 hours of training.

Certification requires successful completion of a Virginia practical skills examination. And the National Registry written examination. This course is designed to train individuals to serve as a vital link in the chain of the health care team.

This includes all skills necessary to provide emergency medical care as an attendant-in-charge with a basic life support ambulance service or other specialized rescue service.

Upon successfully completion of the training program, the student will be capable of performing the following functions:

(1) Recognize the nature and seriousness of the patient’s condition or extent of injury to assess requirements for emergency care.

(2) Administer appropriate emergency care to stabilize the patient’s condition.

(3) Lift, move, position and otherwise handle the patient in a way as to minimize discomfort and further injury.

The EMT-Basic curriculum will be based upon the DOT National Standard Curriculum for the EMT-Basic (1994 edition) and the 2011 Supplemental Airway Modules for the 1994 EMT-Basic National Standard Curriculum. The EMT-Basic will be trained and proficient in all skills described in the DOT National Standard Curriculum for the EMT-Basic (1994 edition) and the 2011 Supplemental modules for the EMT-Basic: National Standard Curriculum.

To register or for more information Contact:
Tom Perroni, NREMT-B, EMT-Enhanced, EMT-Tactical, EMT-Wilderness
(540) 322-3000 / (540) 846-7088

Recommended Hotel:
Fredericksburg Hospitality House
2801 Plank Rd
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 786-8321
CCJA Training Rate: $70.00 per night single occupant.

Tom Perroni
Doc "Gwedo"

"Trust me, I'm a POLICE medic"
High Risk Warrant Execution Team

The “State of the Art” in medicine is constantly changing –unlearn outdated medical training @ CCJA.