Search results

  1. BuddingEMT

    Should I let my certification lapse?

    I got certified in 2009 as an EMT-Basic in Texas. I am currently getting my bachelor's degree, but once I graduate, I want to go on to paramedic school and become a full time paramedic. Because of school, I haven't worked as an EMT, but I have been volunteering as a standby for sports and other...
  2. BuddingEMT

    IV Practice

    So I'm an EMT-B but I plan on going to paramedic school in the near future. My instructor from my Basic class showed me how to do an IV and I want to practice the skill. How did you guys practice? On friends or on yourself? Or did you just wait to do it on actual patients?
  3. BuddingEMT

    Eye Protection

    Smart or paranoid? I have a fear of getting bodily fluids in my eyes. I wear safety glasses on every call. The guys I work with give me a hard time about it, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. How often do you wear your safety glasses?
  4. BuddingEMT

    From a different point of view.

    Has anybody been in a car accident or some other trauma-related injury (or even been a medical patient, for that matter) and had EMT-Bs show up to the scene that seemed inexperienced? I would hate to be dying and have someone who took a two week EMT crash course be working on me. With so...
  5. BuddingEMT

    You know you're an EMT when...

    You know you're an EMT when.. 1) you believe some patients are alive only because it's illegal to kill them. 2) you recognize that you can't cure stupid. 3) you own at least three pens with the names of prescription medications on them. 4) you believe that saying "it can't get...
  6. BuddingEMT


    Three medics are walking on a beach, taking a break from an ambulance convention on a tropical island. They happen upon an antique bottle and in examining it, they all-too-predictably release the genie trapped inside. He offers them the obligatory three wishes and they agree to split them: one...
  7. BuddingEMT

    EMS Desktop Backrounds?

    Does anyone know any good websites with EMS-related desktop backgrounds? Even a website with high quality photos would work. I tried looking it up on Google but I couldn't really find anything worthwhile.
  8. BuddingEMT

    Using EMS education as a stepping stone?

    A lot of people I know are going to EMT school because they think the certification on their resume would look good to medical school admissions officers. They have no intention of actually using the certification unless they think it would benefit them in some way (i.e. some university campuses...
  9. BuddingEMT

    What qualifies a person to be a good caretaker?

    I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and I take Adderall for it. So I have two quick questions: 1) Will my prescription medication show up on a drug test and get me falsely accused? 2) Will this kind of disorder impair my ability to provide critical care? Which leads me to my next...
  10. BuddingEMT

    Most Memorable Call?

    What is the most memorable call you've ever had? It can be memorable because it was good or because it was bad.