Search results

  1. A

    Pre-Hire Physical (I failed)

    Hello. I am 5’0 and around almost 100 lbs. I recently failed my physical for the ambulance company I applied for. Candidates pretty much have to be able to: - bicep curl 75lbs, lift 100lbs in a box, walk with 75lbs in a box to a certain point and back, lift 20 lbs on a table and back on the...
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    Compound Exercises

    So I have been hitting the gym and I have researching different types of workouts and I came across compound excersises. Will that benefit me as a new EMT in the field? Do you guys recommend it or is there something else that you guys recommend? Thanks!!
  3. A

    New EMT and Looking to get Fit. Tips please.

    Hey! So I just become an EMT two months ago and I have started recently started working out at a gym a month ago. I am 5’0 and weigh around 96 lbs (I’m a pretty smale female). Any advice on what type of other upper body workouts I should do? I have been doing the leg press (115 lbs, 3 sets...