Search results

  1. Benjamin Henry

    Ventilator Certification

    Hi all, just wondering if anyone knew of a “vent certification”? I was told by a friend that at his service they required something along those lines. Thanks, Ben
  2. Benjamin Henry

    House arrest patient, any experiences?

    Hi all, has anyone ever had a patient who was under house arrest? How did you manage the call if you had to transport?
  3. Benjamin Henry

    End tidal C02 at BLS level

    Does anyone utilize end tidal C02 at the BLS level? (EMT -B) In the state I live in (CT) many BLS only units have 12 lead monitors with the capability.
  4. Benjamin Henry

    ALS 12 lead assessment

    Hey there guys, I am a soon to be medic student and I was curious as to what medics are looking for when they look at a 12 lead of a chest pain patient? And if it’s just for STEMI rule in/out, is there a systematic way to do it? Thanks
  5. Benjamin Henry

    EMT Badge? Yes or No.

    Do any of you wear those metal EMT badges often worn by LE? If not, why? I’ve heard the argument that is makes us look like LE already😂
  6. Benjamin Henry

    Radio license to use EMS comms?

    Hi all, I am wondering if you need a FCC amateur radio license to operate one of those small handheld ham radios you can get off Ebay for $20.00. A few people in the service I work for have them for work, and use them for communication when conducting EMS duties. I have a feeling they don’t have...
  7. Benjamin Henry

    Canada Paramedic transfer to NREMT (US)

    Hi all. I am a Primary Care Paramedic in British Columbia. I was wondering if it would be possible to transfer my license to the NREMT US licensure. I am a American Citizen and could if needed reside in the US. My significant other is in Connecticut and I am thinking about moving there. I am...