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  1. Buzz

    Interesting Night

    Ever notice how some nights you seem to get similar calls right after each other? Last night was one of those nights. Back to back calls for testicular related problems. First one was more of an abdominal pain radiating to the testicles, but still the testicles were involved in some way...
  2. Buzz

    Anyone been running into this lately?

    Nursing Homes (or even a few hospitals) refusing to hand over a patients' chart to you when you arrive to pick up the patient... Ran into this last night at a nursing home. Patient had dementia and we were taking him to a sleep study. I asked nicely to see the patient's chart so I could copy...
  3. Buzz

    Just a friendly reminder...

    to all of you that sit in your trucks waiting for calls all day/night. Keep an eye on where your exhaust is blowing on these cold winter days. My partner and I both got headaches and began feeling nauseas. We noticed that the wind had shifted and had been blowing exhaust right up under the truck...
  4. Buzz

    So, this kind of made me wonder...

    We had to go pick up a patient from a psych hospital yesterday dispatched as priority 3: pneumonia. We showed up, and they had him on a nasal cannula at 5Lpm laying flat on his back. He was extremely hypoxic, diaphoretic, his respiration were at 38 per minute, his limbs were freezing, but his...