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    Paramedic Tuition Assistance... What does your Employer offer?

    Living in Oregon, we have an AA Degree requirement for Paramedics. The company I work for believes in "growing our own" Paramedics. Therefore, as an EMT-B with our company, you can receive: 1) Interest-free loan for up to 1/2 of the cost of your Paramedic Program Pre-Requisites. 2)...

    Seeking Input of Fellow EMS'ers... New Funny EMS T-Shirt Biz...

    After 17 years in EMS... and 9 years of online "hobbies"... I am finally going to merge my two interests by starting an "EMS related" online business. My new website... currently has 70+ Funny EMS T-Shirt Designs on it. I am NOT up and running as far as selling...

    Burning Sensation Behind Your Eyeballs When You Urinate?

    You know those patients that seem to answer "yes" to every question you ask (regarding symptoms)? Next time, ask them "Do You Have A Burning Sensation Behind Your Eyeballs When You Urinate?" If they answer yes... you can pretty much figure that they will answer "yes" to ANY question. I...

    EMS Expo 2007 Orlando Florida... Who's Going?

    Plane tickets have been purchased, Hotel reserved... Anyone else here going to this? I went to the AAA conference in Orlando last year (took along the wife), and we did all the theme parks. My wife hated the fact that we were on a "schedule". After all... the parks are BIG... and they...