Search results

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    Patch Trade/Collecting

    Does anyone trade or collect patches anymore?
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    Patch trading

    I have some agency patches to trade. I'm trying to be a good role model and collect EMS patches with my nephew. Send me a private message and we can swap addresses and I'll be prompt with sending out one of our patches.
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    anywhere to get free cardiac scenerios

    I'm practicing for my practicals. Anywhere online I can get free scenerios.
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    Non-EMS Paramedic Jobs

    What jobs are out there besides EMS jobs? I know there are jobs in hospitals, out on oil rigs, and as contractors overseas with the military. But what else is there?
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    Protocol question

    If you could change one protocol in the book which one would it be and why? I'm looking a paper subject. I was thinking about writing about RSI because we currently don't do it here being as we run in the city and we are only 5-15 minutes from like 5 different hospitals.
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    Questions about QRV for rescue squad.

    Seeing as I'm an EMT with only a years worth of experience and am joining a squad with a QRV for the first time. I have some questions about it. What are they used for? At said squad they use it to run extra staff that bascially just follows the ambulance to calls. It's equipped to run BLS...
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    Paramedic Class Research Paper Topic

    Ok I'm newer Paramedic Student. We have 2 weeks to come up with a research topic to write a paper on. I am newer to the field. I did my EMT-B over the summer (one of the first classes here in VA to come out with the national cards in addition to the state card). I started my EMT-B to...