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  1. MedicPrincess

    Reinvented Myself :-)

    Hello Y'all. Some of you may remember me, so many are new that I feel like I should reintroduce myself. I am "Princess." I started here as EMTPrincess.... then one day, before I knew it I became MedicPrincess. I used to regularly contribute. I kept our MySpace page UTD. Even started...
  2. MedicPrincess

    Police Officers Son Shot and Killed at Home
  3. MedicPrincess

    Heart Attack Grill

    Okay, the funniest part of this is at the end, when the "Doctor" listens to the guys heart....
  4. MedicPrincess

    ABD Distension after Nitro???

    0230 hrs- PT- 64 y/o F pt, found laying in bed, in some distress. She c/o CP, substernal with radiation to L shoulder and arm, sharp/stabbing, 9/10, constant without ability to get any relief for the past 12 hrs. Pt also c/o N/V, SOB, generalized weakness, and near syncope throughout the...
  5. MedicPrincess

    Who is your Role Model?

    Try this without looking at answers. Do not scroll down until you've completed this part. 1) Pick your Favorite number between 1-9 2) Multiply by 3 then 3) Add 3 4) Then again multiply by 3 (I'll wait while you get the calculator) 5) You'll get a 2 or 3 digit number…add the two digits...
  6. MedicPrincess

    Exotic Animal Poll

    So obviously not EMS related, but I need a random selection of people. It doesnt get more random than you guys. Its for a class project.... Should people be allowed to keep Exotic Animals as pets? If you choose, Yes or Depends.... What type of Exotic Animals should be allowed as a pet...
  7. MedicPrincess

    Girl Auctions off Brothers....

    Not at all EMS, but it made me smile anyway... .... read the rest above
  8. MedicPrincess

    Don't Eat the Children

    Had an unconscious patient..... possible OD... possible Tramadol reaction.... either way, she was my second of 4 intubations last night.... So we get her to the hospital and start really looking at her medications.... This is what we found.....
  9. MedicPrincess

    OMG! I Cannot Believe I Forgot.... Happy B-Day Luno!

    He often just lurks.... doesn't often have much to say..... but has been "around" as long as some of us "old timers" here at EMTLife... HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUNO!!!! (AHAHAHA.... i LOOOOVEE the rainbow for him :P:P:P:P He's such a "Sensitive"...
  10. MedicPrincess

    Would you have ALS'd this patient?

    You get the call at 0702 hrs, your shift was over at 0700 (latelate call on your way back from a late call) so your already experiencing a moderate case of the tourettes. Initially "Alpha" response for a sick call, pt c/o diarrhea. You enter his apt to find a 74 yo M pt, seated in his LR...
  11. MedicPrincess

    Trauma Alerts

    While working an OT Shift, I was discussing a patient that I called a Trauma Alert on, and when arriving at the hospital the Trauma Surgeon proceded to attempt in the removal of a large piece of my rear end for calling it, to which I replied simply "He meets criteria, with only 1. I did not use...
  12. MedicPrincess

    Exercise Induced Anaphylaxsis

    I had a 33yo F pt, 39weeks pregnant, G2P1. She had been laying in bed with her youngest got out of bed, drank two glasses of water fairly quickly, and almost immediately after finishing the second glass fairly significant angioedema set in. No urticaria. Faint wheezing in all fields. The pt...
  13. MedicPrincess

    Thanks To All My Friends....

    I just want to thank all of you for your educational e-mails over the past year. I am totally screwed up now and have little chance of recovery. I no longer open a public bathroom door without using a paper towel. Or have them put lemon slices in my ice water without worrying about the...
  14. MedicPrincess

    Medical Ethics Committee Overrides Mothers Wishes

    I ran a call on a 4 mo old. He was born full term, without apparent complications during the pregnancy. He APGARS were good (8 and 10). Mom tested postive during pregnancy for multiple substances, however he was not born addicted. She had prenatal care, no apparent abnormalities. A few...
  15. MedicPrincess

    Happy Fire Prevention Week!

  16. MedicPrincess

    Look What JON emailed me!!!

    I never would have believed it!!!
  17. MedicPrincess

    Surviving Trauma Conference

    The Annual Surviving Trauma Conference schedule has been published. Great conference, for all specialties. Information has been taken from Conference Schedule Friday, November 21, 2008 0700-0745 Registration/Continental Breakfast 0745-0800 Welcome, Comment...
  18. MedicPrincess

    Lessons Learned....

    I was talking with some people about the things we have learned that can't be taught in school.... I'll start, some are mine, some are as witnessed by me... but what are some of yours... You probably should not drive another agencies vehicle. You especially should not drive that vehicle INTO...
  19. MedicPrincess


    Okay, so I am on a 48 hr shift. Remember the days when I had really "fun" shifts to tell y'all about.... Well... Here ya are. 1 CP pt, HR of 230 1 MVC, 3 pts, 1 Trauma Alert transport via air 1 SO Deputy injured.... kicked square in the kahona's he was. That'll teach him not to wear one of...
  20. MedicPrincess

    She Failed After Crashing.

    AHAHAH!!! Apparently a Jacksonville woman won't be getting her DL anytime soon. This is pretty funny, actually.