Search results

  1. SoCal911

    30yo female code on a BLS transport w/ possible seizure activity.

    Hey guys, I chose to put this in the ALS section hoping I could get a little more insight from the guys who've completed their medic training. Yesterday I had a 29yo patient on a routine transport to receive a head scan following what they felt was a syncopal episode at home, test came back...
  2. SoCal911

    The tale of an ambulance driver.

    Absent. Being that this is my first post, please allow me preface it with a few things. First and foremost I'd like to thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read the ramblings of a lone EMT. Second and more importantly, I caution you - the reader - that the content contained...
  3. SoCal911

    EMT/Medic Dating pools.

    Okay, be honest. Whats your favorite dating pool? Nurses, co-workers, patients?! I decided to post this in comedy/humor because I know we're all gonna laugh.. My turn, so I recently discovered that a hospital i frequent has a whole little clan of volunteers that assist with people's bags or...
  4. SoCal911

    Creative ways to handle weird/eternally angry/burnout/creeper partners?

    Alright guys? What's your method to handle the weird/creepy/pissed off/burnouts were forced to work with? :) what's your method for this madness?
  5. SoCal911

    CA options for system abusers

    What's our options and fire's to deal with a proven system abuser? Request PD?
  6. SoCal911

    How to eat right on duty?

    Okay I'm 20 and I'm going to get hypertension and diabetes in the next month if I don't change this... It's to the point where I feel sick all the time. All I get the chance to eat is the nastiest hole in the wall fast food that east LA has to offer.. How would you suggest I eat better on an...
  7. SoCal911

    Siren tones illegal in CA?

    So... What's the verdict? Are piercer, T3, or priority tones allowed? I even have a rig that runs euro tone haha.
  8. SoCal911

    CARE Ambulance OCo/LCo comment? Offered position, trying to decide.

    Hows it going again emtlifers? So heres the deal, I currently work for AmeriCare ambulance and have for about 4 months. I love it here, ya theres the same complaints as every company. But its not enough for me to want to leave. I make 8/hr on 24's and get paid the FULL 24 and make overtime. I...