Search results

  1. D

    2021 EMS Conferences

    So its been a couple of years since a similar thread was posted. I am hoping to attend more conferences this next year and I won't be surprised if more conferences have an online option. What are the conferences that you have heard about or are looking to attend for the 2021 calendar year that...
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    Dizziness while driving

    You are called out to a 30-year-old male who pulled over on the side of the road because he became extremely dizzy. Patient is alert but altered, person/place. The car is well kept and there is no damage to it. Patient is approx. 6’ and weighs 90kg. Patient is very pale and is sweating...
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    As I am in the process of finishing up my AS I am also looking into additional “merit badge” courses to help pad my resume, not looking into quitting my current company however I always like to build and have a solid resume just in case. While creating a, long, list of classes I want to take...
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    The man by the pool

    Since there hasn't been any scenarios posted in a little while I will toss one out here. I do not have the final outcome of the patient because it is a fairly recent call. For anyone who would like to play along I will start will some basic call information and will provide more information as...
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    California Pediatric Intubation

    The state just announced that pediatric intubation will be removed from the paramedic's scope no later than July 1st, 2018. Direct visualization will still be authorized for FBAO but no tubes on any patient that fits on the Broslow tape (under 40kg). They may still allow flight medics and CCPs...
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    While at our main station the other day a topic of conversation was started regarding addiction. In this conversation 5-6 medics mentioned that they only started doing something during paramedic school. Some state they started drinking heavily, others started smoking, some started to vape, and...
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    The man unable to move

    You are a paramedic inside a medical tent at a large music festival (100,000+ people) with 4 EMTs, 1 RN, and 1 Doctor in the tent also. You have basic medications with you (standard ACLS meds with versed, fent, Ativan, haldol). You have a transporting ambulance on scene with a hospital about 8...
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    Fishing for IVs

    So a recent call made me start to think about IV starts. How many of you "fish" for an IV? For those who have not heard that term before it means you don't see or feel a vein so you insert a cath and just hope you get a vein. Does it change fore you depending on the patients age or...
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    Name Size

    I don't know if you guys are testing out sizes/fonts but the our names are becoming smaller and small and do not stand out as well as before.
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    Increase in spam

    I don't know if it's just me but I have been seeing a lot more spam since we switched over to the new site. It seems like I am reporting multiple threads every day. Has anyone else noticed this? Does XenForo have any kind of spam filter?
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    Relevant Questions

    For my EMT program (the one I went through and the one I teach skills at) the students are asked to do a 1-3 page report on different cultures and discuss issues that EMS providers may face and provide some options that may be helpful to overcome those issues. For the report every thing from the...
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    Home button automatically logs you off [Resolved]

    I don't know if it is a bug or designed that way but when I click on the "Home" button in the top left hand corner of the screen it automatically logs me out of my account.
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    CFED West 2014

    Is anyone on here planning on attending the California Fire EMS and Disaster conference in Palm Springs, CA? The majority of my medic school is going to help set up and network during the event.
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    EMT/Medics as patients

    Over the past couple of months we have had employees get injured on duty and off duty on their drive home (still wearing uniforms). After seeing how our trauma hospital (we have a contract with them for work related injuries) treats our employees, it got me wondering if this is fairly common or...
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    Medical Events

    My company just finished the biggest music events that we have every year. It got me wondering about how other companies prepare, respond to, and staff events. What kind of service are you? (IFT, 911, Fire, Event medical service, etc) How many people attend your biggest event? What kind of...
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    Teenager hits head against fire engine.. My hope for my generation has been lost long ago. The newest piece of news to come out of my area involving EMS/Fire. Must...
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    Sandy Deployment: SoCal to NY

    I receive a phone call on Thursday the 26th saying that we are on stand-by to be deployed to the east coast for hurricane sandy. From that point I make sure my 72 hour to go bag is all put together to go. On Saturday I receive word that we have a high possibility of being deployed. I call...
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    EMS workers allowed to carry weapons... Well this sure will be interesting :blink:
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    Willing to a Non-Willing patient

    One of the guys at my station and I started talking about this: Let's say you are transporting a patient who is Alert and Orientated x4. The patient is a 25 year old female. When you start transporting she is willing and wants to go to the hospital. Half way thru the transport the patient...
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    JEMS article: EMT or Paramedic?

    i was reading a magazine and i came across an article that was called "EMT or Paramedics?". in the news police are called "Police" and firefighters are called "Firefighters". but as for us in the EMS service we are called many different names "EMT" "Paramedic" "Medical Service" "Medical...