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    Bridge Program for Paramedic to Nurse

    What is DEA number?

    Bridge Program for Paramedic to Nurse

    Well...I always wanted to work either in ED or an Urgent Care. I am pretty familiar with the lifting required, but ED usually has couple strong men to help with lifting. As far as I remember, it is fast-paced, there is very little chance of having a patient on dilaudid at regular intervals...

    Recovering alcoholic

    Can you please share how you managed to become EMT? I am a recovering alcoholic/addict as well, 4 years clean, 7 years w/o drugs. Not sure they'd accept me into a program.

    How hard is it to find a job as an EMT??

    That's encouraging! Always wanted to move to California!

    How to choose an EMT course in Philadelphia?

    Yes, I've heard about accelerated programs, we have one in Jefferson, BSN in a year. If you already have your BS. Do not know how they are managing, it was hard enough in 2 years. The other option is 3 months. Do you think that is slow enough considering I have RN-BSN already? I am in a process...

    Bridge Program for Paramedic to Nurse

    I have BSN and suspended RN license due to DUI. Broke my back twice, got addicted to drugs. Clean for 7 years now, no alcohol either for 4 years. Have no desire to use drugs anymore - was prescribed percoset for kidney stone and could not tolerate it - threw up twice. The strongest pill I can...

    I am a nurse, just completed my 3 years after my license was suspended due to DUI. They told me...

    I am a nurse, just completed my 3 years after my license was suspended due to DUI. They told me I might have to through recertification process - a semester at Community College. Can I register for EMT course while my RN license is still inactive?