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  1. C

    Station pet?

    Just curious: We are looking into getting a station pet and possibly having it trained and registered as a therapy animal. How many of you have a station pet or been around a station pet? What’s your feel on it? How is the responsibilies shared? Thanks!
  2. C

    Paramedic to Paramedic handoff?

    It's amazing how this private profession has went from taking care of people to doing thing more for a 'billing' purpose. Even when I was in a large Columbus city based hospital in 2013 they were on the nurses for start and stop times on IVs. Supposed they were losing 200k revenue because nurses...
  3. C

    Paramedic to Paramedic handoff?

    *shakes head* ugh... this reply doesn't even need response. Just an eye roll.
  4. C

    Paramedic to Paramedic handoff?

    Same, we have a contract with our local helicopter to transport them in case of no flight. They have to remain in charge of pt care. CCT team hand off to medic would be a EMTALA or COBRA (can't remember) violation in downgrade of Care.
  5. C

    Paramedic to Paramedic handoff?

    Oh we will be billing them
  6. C

    Fire EMS vs Private/hospital based

    10 pg paper on billing is easy. Heck there's an entire degree program on medical coding and billing. There's a lot involved in billing. And EVERY place is different. Profit non profit. Just got to do the research.
  7. C

    Fire EMS vs Private/hospital based

    And this is exactly why he can write a whole paper on this. Medicare vs UHC preauths vs Medicaid. Township millage vs cost of private transport. You can call a private company and have them quote a cost of a "made up transport"
  8. C

    Fire EMS vs Private/hospital based

    I didn't say it was the only difference. I know here at the department we soft bill. Most private EMS will hard bill. You could very easily write an entire paper on the differences between private vs department.
  9. C

    Intubation tips?

    see if you can get into a cadaver lab.
  10. C

    Fire EMS vs Private/hospital based

    Billing. That's the difference between a fire department and a private service.
  11. C

    Paramedic to Paramedic handoff?

    Posting this to see what you guys think of this... I work for a Fire Department in my hometown for the past 13 years. Even this one was a first for me. There is a private service that runs the county to the north of us, as well as another private service that helps out in our county. Transports...