the company I work for, buys thicker gloves. I don't like them at all, but I could get a pluse with them. I usally use different gloves that are thinner and get better results. The thinner gloves also are better for feeling temps also. (These gloves just jump on my stretcher and into my pockets...
oh, before I forget, you do not need the orignal. You can have a copy or the old style bracelet. But you need to see it. It can't be on file some where it has to be in hand. And you should keep a copy for the report also.
There is a lot that can not filled out that would make it invalid.
In order for MA CC to be valid it needs to have:
Pt's full name
Pt's address
Signature of Pt or Pt's health care proxy
Pt's proxy's name
Doctor's printed name
effective date
expiration date
doctor's name
doctor's address
What do you want to know? It is different in every state. MA has it own sets of protocols, and some of them are not written or explained. Like what exactly is a valid CC. List your questions and we can better answer you.
no, because most of the people in fender benders refuse, or complain of neck/back pain and then I have to board. I hate people that think they can get money out of a minor MVC... and even if they say that they have back or neck pain i will go the whole nine yards... Collar, Ked, and back...
yep, but still, I was taught in school to keep c-spine in mind, he had MOI, whether it was true or not, I don't care whether he had pain or not, I would still have boarded and collared him... He stated that his head went forward and he struck the wheel... thats enough for me... he gets a board.
Yeah, but you said that the Pt went forward and hit the wheel... wait a sec, see this is why it doesn't feel right... He was hit from behind? wouldn't his head go backward toward the headrest... I have been in a rear end MVC my head went backwards not forward. I don't epi, i wasn't there... But...