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  1. K

    Beards and AMR

    Here in AMR Riverside no facial hair below the mouth so: Mustache is ok, but beard is a no no
  2. K

    Measuring BP

    I like to go over more than 20 because sometimes the valve opens to fast or it gets stuck and i hate takin a bp twice. But it sounds like you got it down. It is definitely a skill that has to be practiced
  3. K

    24 hr shifts

    Depends where you work
  4. K

    what sthe new hire placement test

    oh if you're in decent shape you should be fine. Just carrying like 125 lbs up and down some stairs. No biggie. I did mine for riverside
  5. K

    what sthe new hire placement test

    It's pretty similar to the NR, but the questions are a little more pertinent to common situations
  6. K

    So Cal Companies

    Go with McCormick for sure. Priority one isn't bad, but McCormick is way better.
  7. K

    What is the easiest method to learning BP?

    A good trick is add the persons age to 100 and that should be about where their systolic SHOULD be. Pts age + 100 = Healthy Systolic But this is not science so ALWAYS CHECK!
  8. K

    What is the easiest method to learning BP?

    You systolic and diastolic wrong. Systolic is the pressure on the artery walls when the heart contracts and diastolic is the pressure when the heart relaxes
  9. K

    HELP!!!: Need PROPER Stretcher Lifting Advice

    Never lift a gurney with your hands outside your knees. Thats a no no...
  10. K

    EMT-B to EMT-P... A Bad Idea?

    Haha I know. EMTs gain way more experience than just driving and gurney pushing. You should know that. Just because they can't do so many skills doesn't mean they don't learn them
  11. K

    EMT-B to EMT-P... A Bad Idea?

    This is dumb. I can't even argue with it
  12. K

    EMT-B to EMT-P... A Bad Idea?

    Anyone can be top in their class, that isn't always the best indicator of how well they will perform in the field.
  13. K

    EMT-B to EMT-P... A Bad Idea?

    Much better medics are produced if they have been an EMT for a while. This doesn't mean a fresh medic with no experience cannot be a good provider, just might take some time.
  14. K

    EMT-B to EMT-P... A Bad Idea?

    Actually there are many schools in California where you don't need any experience. But anyways I think you should definitely have plenty of EMT B field time on ALS before going for EMT P. So many go straight for Medic with no experience and as result have no clue what to do when they actually...
  15. K

    Down to the wire

    Man don't even stress about the NR, it was way easy. Don't take it lightly, but also don't kill yourself trying to study for it. You'll do great :D
  16. K


    Yea it's messy here, but i wouldn't want to work anywhere else. Believe it or not! haha
  17. K


    Yea i know haha. I just assume everything is like cali
  18. K

    Why they call us ambulance drivers.

    Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning
  19. K

    LA BLS companies? sorry.. I'm new...

    I recommend checking out AMR. If you can't get them then go to like Schaffer or some other small company
  20. K


    You don't have AMR in your area? Or ever heard of it?