You will re-do the DL-51 with CARE. For me, having prior experience was what got me hired the second time I applied. But I've also seen first timers get hired too.
Taking national registry this week and looking into where to apply for once my certs are all done. Anyone have any recommendations on places to work as a medic in either Orange County or LA county? Thanks!
I was wondering if anyone had a list of pertinent questions to ask for specific chief complaints that patients may give. I have a good amount in my book, but was wondering if anyone here had a cheat sheet or a list they saved from medic school. Thank you!
If you need my email please PM me.
I'm saying ehhh as no EMT is 100% professional at all times, whether in the rig, on a lunch, or on scene. This guy might have screwed up, but he's not the only one and I'm sure he wasn't the one to put this video on the web
I agree. When I watch this video it seems to be that no one in the back and this guy is doing some half-crew work. I'm sure if we took out our videos from our rigs we would all catch ourselves doing stupid stuff or having fun.
I've been recently recertified within the state of CA, which is the only thing that my paramedic program requires me to keep current through the program.
Should I need to renew my NREMT license if I will be going to paramedic school and will be taking the National Registry Paramedic later...