the 100% directionless thread


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
I reserve the right to freely kill any, and all black widows. Those things still creep me out as a grown *** man.

I nudged the scorpion with my boot before I picked it up. Well it was still very much alive...


Family Guy
I nudged the scorpion with my boot before I picked it up. Well it was still very much alive...
One of our pilots had one fall from one of the panels of the roof in their room about a year or so ago. Haven’t seen them pop back up yet, but summer is barely starting up out this way.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
One of our pilots had one fall from one of the panels of the roof in their room about a year or so ago. Haven’t seen them pop back up yet, but summer is barely starting up out this way.

**** that.


Forum Deputy Chief
Cops are being murdered, attacked, stores looted, businesses wrecked, livelihoods lost, Property destroyed, no issues with that though Eh?
You say that as if we don't work with or have friends that are cops. I have multiple that I hang out with them and their families outside of work. I have LE family. My parents used to be cops in the very city I work in and had more than one situation that could have left me without one of them. Not many calls scare me, but I hope I never run one of my friends, because that's gonna be the call that I actually take home. And considering we had 2 shot the other night, that was a real possibility.

And nobody has advocated wrecking and looting businesses, destroying property, or rioting. You're talking about something completely different than we are. Protesting =/= looting and rioting.


Emergency Medical Texan
You say that as if we don't work with or have friends that are cops. I have multiple that I hang out with them and their families outside of work. I have LE family. My parents used to be cops in the very city I work in and had more than one situation that could have left me without one of them. Not many calls scare me, but I hope I never run one of my friends, because that's gonna be the call that I actually take home. And considering we had 2 shot the other night, that was a real possibility.

And nobody has advocated wrecking and looting businesses, destroying property, or rioting. You're talking about something completely different than we are. Protesting =/= looting and rioting.

I've not been in this field long and I've already started to get to know the local cops and fireman. There's a lot of both, but I'm starting to get to the point every uniform isn't a new face. Or other EMS services.

I met a cop that lives in my complex maybe a month ago? Something like that. We like to chat. He's very down to earth. He used to be a corrections officer in NY and he said that since they aren't armed, you have to use your brain a lot more. You have to be more patient and understanding and you learn to listen because you don't have the batman utility belt of mandatory compliance(that doesn't always work and in many cases shouldn't be the first go to)

He's different from other cops I've met in the way he is. Not the idea but his personality is different. Not saying other cops don't have personalities or anything but maybe it's a combination of a New Yorker who came down here. He used to not understand the southern hospitality of how friendly we are and talking to strangers. It was a lot of "Why are you talking to me?" He caught on eventually, lol. He's going to take me on some ride alongs when things cool off.

But he would tell me stories about how when he gets in scene to an agitated person who hasn't been violent or something he wants to hear their story from them. Even if they've told it to others because he wants it directly from them and to listen to them. That they know someone really is listening and maybe understands that situation or something.

They had a girl under the influence of drugs. She kept trying to walk of and another cop was starting to get aggressive and physical and agitating her.

He just let her walk and kinda redirected her and she'd walk back and they'd just kinda keep doing that. That she hasn't done anything worth eating pavement for, so why do it?

But he strikes me as the patient and humble type. Good qualities for a cop. But he's also still vigilant and ready to change tactics because he's already run the scenarios through his head of the biggest potential issues.

He's been on riot control and I hope he's been staying safe.

There's a rookie I met who is fresh out of the academy. The field performance evaluator was very frustrated with him because he's trying to get an these departments involved that don't need to be. That he doesn't know what to do and he's indecisive.

The rookie and I chatted, he's very into it, but he's very green. Big heart, but also kinda unsure. He's trying very hard to be a good cop but the performance evaluator was not sure how he was gonna fare as a cop. They'd been at the hospital for hours when there was no crime committed for an injury. I think a dude took some pills and got drunk and fell down the stairs at his house. No evidence of foul play but the rookie wanted to get homicide detectives involved. Guy wasn't dead, just a little dinged up. He'll be fine.

He was very nervous and pacing all over trying to figure out what to do. Going in and out of the ED and stuff.

That grimace and slow shake of his head, the visible frustration through grit teeth of the evaluator was palpable. He wasn't sure if the guy was cut out for it.

I really hope he's able to adapt to policing and be that good cop he wants to be. He's got the want for it. But I'm also worried how he'll react under high stress situations. If a protest turns into a riot. If a riot turns deadly. What if he gets spoked and makes a bad call?

He's pretty young like me, so if he gets into a scary situation he might not have a lot of experience to fall back on. Thinking of him, I hope he's not spooked by riots and large crowds as a new officer.

I hope I see him again and see he's doing well. Watching people succeed when they've worked so hard just makes me beam. They've earned every bit of their success, often times through failure, hard work, or stress.

Back home there's been protests but I think it's been peaceful and good relations with police. There's cops that went to my church and cops I know back home.

Even if I don't know everyone everywhere, I hate those last calls and that notice you see across the news or social media. And you know there's people out there that knew them and that community is hurting.

And if it's someone I know? Heck.

I figure a few years after my medic I'll go for that LE next. I don't pretend like "Oh I'm just medical I'm just here for boo boos, this policing stuff doesn't affect me in my career"

We're not calloused to the plight of our bothers and sisters behind the badge. We sympathize for those who have lost property and hard work. I do not condone that.

The actions of some cannot prevent freedom of protest, press, and human rights That is tyranny.


Forum Deputy Chief
I've not been in this field long and I've already started to get to know the local cops and fireman. There's a lot of both, but I'm starting to get to the point every uniform isn't a new face. Or other EMS services.
You'll get to know more PD and FD as you go. Treat them well and keep getting to know them. The ones you build relationships with will absolutely bust their *** for you if you do and they definitely notice. Also earn a reputation as being competent, because they know it may very well be you that has to take care of them if something happens in a pursuit or fire.


Emergency Medical Texan
You'll get to know more PD and FD as you go. Treat them well and keep getting to know them. The ones you build relationships with will absolutely bust their *** for you if you do and they definitely notice. Also earn a reputation as being competent, because they know it may very well be you that has to take care of them if something happens in a pursuit or fire.

Oh I mean I'd like to think I treat everyone well. I may not exactly be the best in my delivery and can come off a bit forward or awkward, but in no way have I been perceived in negative light.

I had a good talk with the evaluator while the rookie was in the ED. We were very much on the same page.

Firemen are always good for a funny story or to learn something new about the field. A couple of them pick up on my newness, but they're pretty patient with my questions.

I've never once gotten any sexist comments or anything from my peers in any emergency field and most are pretty professional.

I've never been satisfied with "Okay". I want to collect as much knowledge and experience as I can to be the best provider, always moving forward.

I want to be the person people their lives with. Not in an ego way but like when I first started the job there were those folks that would say "Person X or person Y ... If I code or get hurt, I don't want them touching me" or "Person A I know would do well. Or Person B, I don't really like them but they're a good medic and I trust them".

I didn't really understand at first. "They're an EMT/Medic, I know people vary in skill and stuff, but they've got certs so they should be able to do what's needed for their scope"

I have started an unofficial mental list myself.

Not even a matter of popularity, but you've earned that trust and good reputation for being a good provider that people want you on the good list.

I have a rep for being high energy and quirky, but good natured and easygoing. Also quick to learn and open for constructive criticism. Sometimes the medics feel like a parent how they help me with my ALS (or BLS)curiosities, life questions, company protocols and kinda how things should go.

I also tangent..

But yes. Even if I think I will never see them again, act appropriately and professionally.

And hopefully the ones that continually see me will think that I am.


ex-Parole officer/EMT


Has no idea what I'm doing.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?
Yeah, that was their reaction as well. I don’t think the ones here are anything past a painful sting.

Same here, still doesn’t mean I won’t kill it with fire.


Forum Asst. Chief
First day back to work since the riots in Minneapolis. Almost feels like we have become a war zone. Hennepin EMS pulls into the ER and two National Guard soldiers in full battle dress get out of the ambulance and stand guard.


The Other Guy/ Paramaybe?