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  1. Dutch-EMT

    Weight loss ( Need help with getting started)

    It has been a while since the last post. But here my personal experience and advice. I've lost 10 pounds in 4 months. My BMI wasn't too high, but my waist circumference was to high. I downloaded an app to count all calories. It also counts my vitamins, salt, protein, fat and other intake. It...
  2. Dutch-EMT

    New York Ambulance system... How does it work?

    Ambulances from the private ambulance services and hospitals who are standby on streetcorners, do they do interfacility transports or are they only available for 911 calls? It doesn't make sense to me that an 911 standby ambulance has to do interfacility or private transports. Or are...
  3. Dutch-EMT

    New York Ambulance system... How does it work?

    How does the New York ambulance system works exactly? I see there are multiple ambulance providers on the streets (SeniorCare, FDNY, New York Presbyterian, some volunteers, AMR, etc). Are the ambulances always stationed at specific locations in the city for 911 calls when not on a call? Or does...
  4. Dutch-EMT

    RN first then medic, or medic then RN???

    I'm a Dutch registered nurse (4 years bachelors degree) and working for 8 years in a regional hospital at different units. We don't have an EMT-system in our country, and almost all ambulance services are professionals and no volunteers. Everything is nurse-based, and there is a new education...
  5. Dutch-EMT

    Dynamic Ambulance Deployment

    Here in Europe, most ambulances are stationed in ambulancestations. In the netherlands, all ambulances are stationde at permanent locations. In the bigger cities in the US, there is something like dynamic ambulance deployment. Did see something about Albequerque Ambulance Service on the net...
  6. Dutch-EMT

    The Ambulance-staff in the Netherlands

    Nah, i think thats not reality. 600 is a good month. And there will be months with 200...
  7. Dutch-EMT

    The Ambulance-staff in the Netherlands

    Those jobs are very hard to get. But when you've experience in healthcare, C-drivers-licence and are first-aid certified, it can be possible. But it is still hard. Voluntary fire departments are in some counties screaming for volunteers. That will be easier.
  8. Dutch-EMT


    Litmann Classic, a great scope for a good price. A cheaper scope, only a bit to large to put in your pocket because it has a double tube, is the rappaport stethoscope. Good enough for field-work. In my opinion it's not necessary to buy a very expensive cardio-scope.
  9. Dutch-EMT

    Neckbrace out of ATLS

    The guidelines are changing here in about a year. Not only the stiff-neck, but also the spineboards are in discussion right now. It could take years before those changes are worked out in the countrywide protocols. I'm searching for evidence based research results about this subject. Hard to...
  10. Dutch-EMT

    Neckbrace out of ATLS

    There are rumors that the neck-brace (stiff-neck ® and other brands) will disappear out of the EMS protocols. Are there in the USA ambulance-services who already removed the neck-braces out of the protocols?
  11. Dutch-EMT

    EKG no one can figure out.

    AV Block type II 2:1. It goes like: P - QRST - P - Pause - P - QRST - P - Pauze - etc. When i see the deep S in V1, i think there's a LBBB. That makes the complex wider. Ventricular respons is 60 times a minut, while the P top shows at a rate of the double of it. It is also a regular...
  12. Dutch-EMT

    EKG Interps Part 2

    Sinusrhytm, 100/min. No atrial hypertrophy i think. P-Q is at the limit, but a AV-Block??? Can be!! LBBB (deep S in V1 and R-R' (M-shape) in V5). Can't conclude a MI with a BBB!!!
  13. Dutch-EMT

    The Ambulance-staff in the Netherlands

    For each treatment is a protocol. Protocols are based on rhytm: Bradycardia, Small complex tachycardia or Wide complex tachycardia. In the protocols is told wich medication (yes, we use amiodarone) must be given. Also treatment like sinus carotis massage and valsalva are in the protocols.
  14. Dutch-EMT

    The Ambulance-staff in the Netherlands

    Ambulancenurses can intubate, use analgetic drugs like fentanyl and ketamine, in a year denilox returns on the ambulances. Also skills like pacing, cardioversion, defibrillate can be done.
  15. Dutch-EMT

    Burn Patients in Hospital

    Well, my experience out of the hospital: Burned legs and abdominal region / lower back, pain can be managed with epidural analgesia. Works very fine! A big problem with this is that patients wouldn't be able to move their legs and can't feel problems like bedsore wounds, beginning infections...
  16. Dutch-EMT

    Rank the EMS systems of the world

    Worldwide, there are a lot of systems working on a different way. But they work! The Dutch system is a high quality, good skilled nurse-based system. But it is expensive, there are problems recruiting staff (because it needs specialized nurses). There is a pilot started educating...
  17. Dutch-EMT

    Which Litman Stethoscope are you using??

    Even a few specialists is our hospital use the Classic II SE. (I have seen a anesthesiologist, lung specialist and internist with this stethoscoop :rolleyes:) So why spend much money on a tool when can work with a cheaper, but good quality, standard stethoscoop.
  18. Dutch-EMT

    Which Litman Stethoscope are you using??

    Using Littmann Classic II SE. Bought it for €80,= and it's a good stethoscope.
  19. Dutch-EMT

    The Ambulance-staff in the Netherlands

    This system is depending on the economy. The funds have a lot of income by investments. And those incomes are decreased. After WorldWar II, there was a babyboom. Those people getting old now, so there are more people use the pensionfunds/retirementfunds. But it must be selfsustaining. It's not...
  20. Dutch-EMT

    The Ambulance-staff in the Netherlands

    In Netherlands we have one of the best social structures of the world. We know the health insurance laws, so everybody must have ensurance in health. When people retire, the state pays about €750-800,= (when age is 65yrs) and retirement funds make it to about 90% of the last earned salary for...