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  1. bigbaldguy

    ER physician in EMS Break room

    Just curious on your thoughts on a ER physician stopping in an EMS break room. I've never seen one in a break room but I kind of like the idea of getting to know the guys/gals a little better.
  2. bigbaldguy

    U.S. Paramedic to Ireland

    Im sure there will be better answers but there is no comparison to U.K. Versus US medics. U.K. Medics are trained to a much higher level and most have degrees. I wish I could give you better news but my understanding is you're a glorified first aid attendant by U.K. Standards. I'm not sure if...
  3. bigbaldguy

    the 100% directionless thread

    They're 500 bucks? Wow I never imagined. What are they made of unicorn horn.
  4. bigbaldguy

    Was a medic for seven years. I enjoyed it but I just brought to much home with me so I quit in...

    Was a medic for seven years. I enjoyed it but I just brought to much home with me so I quit in March 2018
  5. bigbaldguy

    Are hats/snapbacks allowed to be worn by staff on ambulance?

    Being bald as a cue ball I really wish my service had allowed hats. We had to comb a field for an ejected driver and I got scortched.
  6. bigbaldguy


    I said national but meant state. The material they have to cover is in my opinion overkill. The book is thicker than my paramedic textbook.
  7. bigbaldguy

    Rubber bullets or shot gun?

    Actually rubber bullets at almost point blank range. Less lethal rounds, key phrase less lethal. Still pretty damn dangerous.
  8. bigbaldguy


    Do you have any tips for passing the national test. Any web sites or books. props for passing. I've bee helping her study and I can honestly say the writen part is harder that my paramedic material. Where sis you work and whatnwas the pay like if you don't mind me asking.
  9. bigbaldguy

    Oldest medic you've worked with

    Just as an FYI the oldest flight attendant I worked with was 86 (my day job is a flight attendant) He passed away about 6 months later. He used to take his wings off and nap in empty seats while working. Intresting guy he was a retired postal carrier and spend time in a Japanese internment camp...
  10. bigbaldguy

    Rubber bullets or shot gun?

    Stare of life?
  11. bigbaldguy

    Rubber bullets or shot gun?

    Saw something similar at a counterprotest. Treatment options? Definetly rubber bulllets in in my experience.
  12. bigbaldguy

    EDC Bag

    This is the kit I carry to protests and counter protest. Come in handy a few times.
  13. bigbaldguy

    Oldest medic you've worked with

    Just curious the oldest medic you've work with. Mine was a 77 year volunteer. Guy had some stories that would curl your har.
  14. bigbaldguy

    Help NREMt stopped me at 120 questions and i missed the last question..

    I think everybody thinks they fail. I'm sure you did fine.
  15. bigbaldguy

    Are hats/snapbacks allowed to be worn by staff on ambulance?

    I'd give it a pass. Unless it's a an issued cap I'd leave it at home. Edit: at the service I was at hats were not allowed.
  16. bigbaldguy


    Not strictly EMS but they do stick needles in people. I have a friend who just finished phlebotomy school and is have a hell of a time getting a job (in Houston). I know it's a long shot but does anyone have any advice or perhaps a friend who's a phlebotomist that might have some advice.
  17. bigbaldguy

    Get Out of LA and California for that matter!

    Come to Houston, you can't throw a rock round here without hitting an agency that's hiring. Some of them don't even suck :)
  18. bigbaldguy

    Duty belt

    A good bright light is critical for doing a rapid scene sweep in dark and creepy places. Think an assault call in a dark lot. They're also good for signaling. A high lumen flashlight can also be a fairly effective way to disorient a potential bad guy. I've also had two calls to homes where the...
  19. bigbaldguy

    ALS Bags

    Oooo me likey!
  20. bigbaldguy

    Cadaver lab

    You my friend win the daily Internet award lol