Malpractice / Liability Insurance

Just started Medic school so i had to get it anyway, but ive been doing more private events and Tough Mudder stuff so i feel better having my own coverage. NJ EMT cost $112 a year. A pittance for what it covers
On the topic of insurance, would anyone happen to know a good company for malpractice insurance in Canada? Most of the information I can find is only for the USA. So to answer the question: no I don't, but I'm working on it
I just applied for insurance through HPSO. This is a great thread! $118 in Az. Worth every penny!
Can anyone tell me what you get when you purchase a policy through HPSO? I just want to know what I am getting before giving my money away. Do they send you a wallet card or a certificate or anything with your name on it verifying you have a policy? A picture of what you receive from them would be nice if anyone would be willing to share that with the rest of us!
Can anyone tell me what you get when you purchase a policy through HPSO? I just want to know what I am getting before giving my money away. Do they send you a wallet card or a certificate or anything with your name on it verifying you have a policy? A picture of what you receive from them would be nice if anyone would be willing to share that with the rest of us!

You get a certificate of insurance. On that certificate, it lists all the coverage.

Sorry it's kind of blurry, but you get the gist.

I deleted the picture for privacy purposes.
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