Recent content by Zak

  1. Zak

    san diego county start and expiration of the emt cert

    hi everyone, I finished a 24 hour refresher course as EMT , my initial certificate expires in october 2017 i did all 24 hour and skills. my question is when should i submit my CEs and all other info to san diego county website and should i wait until september and submit or now/ i want to know...
  2. Zak

    Infectious diseases

    I'm a very fresh EMT , can someone tell me what diseases are most likely I can get when checking vitals when checking respirations , or puls , your advise is appreciated .
  3. Zak

    San Diego EMT jobs

    Hi everyone, anybody has taken the test for the employment for AMR or other companies in San Diego, the pre interview test and what and how many questions are they ? What to be prepared for? Greatly appreciated!
  4. Zak


    I'm 38 years old and applied many companies in San Diego. Unable to get a job yet, is being a little old a factor for not being hired as an fresh EMT ? Anyone can advise, thanks in advance!
  5. Zak

    Hard to find a job in San Diego as EMT!

    Anyone can advise on which companies hire new emts in San Diego. I'm trying to find a job . Unsuccessful so far
  6. Zak

    Interview questions

    Thank you fry
  7. Zak


    Thank you sir!
  8. Zak


    The interview for the Emt position I think it's more IFT. But thanks for the info that helped a little bit,
  9. Zak


    Hay friends, I had an interview yesterday with rural metro . I think I did good on behavioral questions, but didn't do well in scenario questions . The interviewers were nice hopefully they accept me and there were other candidates for interview. Anybody can advise on how Do they take it...
  10. Zak

    Agility test

    What is the agility test and how it's being evaluated? Dose the examiner time you ?
  11. Zak

    Interview questions

    Thank you CO Medic
  12. Zak

    Interview questions

    what are the most interview questions asked and what are best answers ? Anybody can advise
  13. Zak

    to post questions

    Thanks Remi ,
  14. Zak

    Rural metro San Diego

    Anyone can tell me do all companies take a written test for employment like rural metro in San Diego?
  15. Zak

    to post questions

    Thank you for that and happy holidays!