Recent content by Trainer12

  1. T

    2013 4 Year Paramedic Degree

    I have been hearing some that several new EMS laws are coming in 2013. I have also heard that starting then it will be a 4 year program to be certified as a medic. Has anyone heard about that? Also would you consider it helpful to take A&P 1&2 for EMS? Thanks!
  2. T

    Moulage Tips

    Thank you everyone! It turned out very well and my burn actually resembled the picture that medicRob posted!
  3. T

    Moulage Tips

    If you're close enough, I might be able to help you out in person. I am in Texas, so that wouldn't work. Wish it would though!
  4. T

    Moulage Tips

    I am helping with a Shattered Dreams project at my high school and I needed some tips on how to get a realistic outcome from moulage. Thanks!
  5. T

    Online Basic Training

    I was wondering if anybody has any opinions of how the online basic course is. If you have taken it or currently taking it could you please give me some info? Thanks!
  6. T

    NREMT Qualifications

    Well I think I decided on what I am going to do and I got my questions answered. Thanks to all who helped!!!
  7. T

    NREMT Qualifications

    But can I just fly as a medic?
  8. T

    NREMT Qualifications

    The reason is because I don't want to spend the extra time because I am also going to also be a RN because I want to eventually be on lifestar or aero care.
  9. T

    NREMT Qualifications

    The reason I am in such a rush is because of the law coming Jan. 1st 2013. I am trying to avoid it.
  10. T

    NREMT Qualifications

    Do you know if it is possible to do your basics under instructors and not a college?
  11. T

    NREMT Qualifications

    Sorry for the misspelling and grammar! I was in a huge hurry! I actually just asked the TX. Dept. of Health so maybe they can answer my questions.
  12. T

    NREMT Qualifications

    I have a question that I wasn't sure what it should be posted under so I just put it here. Does anybody if its allowed to take your basics and then go strait to intermediate class and then take the registry test as soon as I turn 18? Can you placed into an intmediate class with a placer test...
  13. T

    Pre-Reqs EMT

    I have been re-cert. in AHA CPR several times and will continue to be. I learned a lot going through the First Responder course and it has already helped me just when I am riding out I can recognize some things I wouldn't of. I just love learning so it was a fun course for me. I catch on very...
  14. T

    Pre-Reqs EMT

    I have a emergency first responder certification so will that help or does it really matter?
  15. T

    Pre-Reqs EMT

    Are there any pre-reqs for an EMT cert.?