Recent content by PhillyMedic

  1. P

    ACLS and PALS

    does anyone know anyone in the Philadelphia that could hook a brother up with free ACLS and PALS....
  2. P

    What would you do?

    I don't care about the bill, or the ER bill, I care about the safety of the scene, which could get ugly quick, I don't want to be at that scene any longer than I have to be.
  3. P

    Philadelphia Fire Department Accident

    Medic 12 was involved, both medics went to Jefferson, with minor injuries. The female involved went as trauma alert with massive injuries
  4. P

    Philadelphia Fire Department Accident

    just heard on the 12:00 news that the woman in the SUV died from her injuries
  5. P

    Philadelphia Fire Department Accident

    Female Critical After Collision With Ambulance (CBS 3) RHAWNHURST Icy roads may have led to an accident involving an ambulance that left one woman in critical condition Friday evening. Officials say a 24-year-old woman driving an S.U.V. collided with an ambulance in Rhawnhurst just before 6...
  6. P

    Patient Unresponsive, 1 more down

    I would have guessed they both did heroin, and OD.
  7. P


    try getting a halter monitor, maybe she had a run of PSVT or Vtach that caused the unresponsiveness. If it were my kid I'd be see all doctors from head to toe, including getting a CT scan
  8. P

    Drugs for Diabetic

    thats the answer..treat the pt. If the pt was aao*3, no further treatments were necessary IMO
  9. P

    What would you do?

    I would take the child to the closest hospital, doing basic CPR, and inform the hospital enroute what is going on, and to have social workers, etc in the ER for the family.
  10. P

    Tips for New EMT-Bs

    here's a tip, ASSESSMENT...once you can do a good assessment, skill will follow. When I have paramedic students, I want to see a good assessment. You can teach a monkey to do skills..
  11. P


    so after 3 years and all of those classes you get a degree, and are only a paramedic...not knocking ya, but there are much better things to do with that time. Why not just get a degree and go to medical school.
  12. P

    pranks on EMS

    they would lay it under cars, and in awkward positions on the sidewalk, or at bottom of steps. They thing was made of wood, and it even had timberland boots on.
  13. P

    Field Hospital for Drunks

    I'm so sick of dealing with drunks, I wish we could stick'em in a hole and bury them.
  14. P

    pranks on EMS

    I had some kids playing with a "scarecrow", it looked so real, people called 911 over and over again. I finally took trauma sheers to it and ripped it to shreads.
  15. P

    Philadelphia Paramedics Look For Stress Relief

    What happenes to the paramedics in Philadelphia is SAD