Recent content by Owenscott

  1. O

    hospital setting ...bring the dead back upto 24 hours ?

    i believed he was also speaking of young MI's tony soprano comes to mind ...
  2. O

    hospital setting ...bring the dead back upto 24 hours ?

    so what he is saying is not possible ? if his number r to be believed ... 33% success right now seems pretty impressive.
  3. O

    hospital setting ...bring the dead back upto 24 hours ?

    I thought his study about having pictures up high in the patient rooms to check on NDE was a great idea.
  4. O

    hospital setting ...bring the dead back upto 24 hours ?
  5. O

    Have you had to use a AED ?

    sure did As a dep sheriff. The sheriff thought we could save some lives if the cop cars had a defib. So he bought two of them. One carried in a cop car in the north half of the county and one in the south half. One day i was behind the guy who had it and he got the call. So both responded. He...
  6. O

    Rescue breaths

    AED's dont kill people with pulses ....
  7. O

    CPR and AED

    I met somebody that claims to have save TWO ppl with the *thump* for a vol BLS small town ambo thats a lot. She does have years on and nursing homes in her area. I don't believe it is taught any more but specifically not allowed ?? check your protocols.
  8. O

    Why is a lightening strike so dangerous??

    I have not seen this answer in above text ... direct lightning strike where the bolt passes thru the pt, lets say head to toe, will cause the electrical signals in the heart to be messed up. If electricty passes between two fingers and the heart isn't in the "loop" cardiac usually wont be an...
  9. O

    Rescue breaths

    Learn something everyday ... passive ventilation ... i like that as a TERM and much better than, for lack of a better term, fumble farting around instead of doing compressions.
  10. O

    CPR and AED

    As was mostly said above if unwitnessed cardiac arrest do CPR first and the reason was explained to me ... we want to prime the pump ... IE we want blood in there before the shock so if the shock works there is something to pump. I just couldn't keep this all straight until it was explained...
  11. O

    Yeah Passed the First of My Practicals Today!

    Well i have a differing view, i think we should be testing their knowledge not seeing if we can confuse them. I understand their is a lot of pressure out there in the field but they usually don't have the patient "routine" down yet ... its tuff enough when when the dummies aren't real people and...
  12. O

    Yeah Passed the First of My Practicals Today!

    Same thing happened to us .. sort of ... just before our EMT practicals they said we have all next day ready for retests if needed. Took the pressure off and we all passed.
  13. O

    Wilderness Scenerio - C-Spine Injury w/ Nausea & Vomiting

    As stupid as this sounds .. it is proly more fun than a man down call thats really a vomiting and diarrhea homeless person lying in the street. Fresh air and a nice hike.
  14. O

    Failing NREMT-B Exam

    SeeNOmore do you have to pass NREMT to be state certified? I now some vollies use drivers that are first responders so you might have been able to ride anyways as a first responder or EMT if you still have you state EMT. Since you passed this is all moot. Congratulations.
  15. O

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Passed Got to about 74 questions and blam screen change ... scared me shippless. They were hard question then the last 5 or 6 were crazy easy. Passing is passing .....