Recent content by O3YhZW9IOmZXRjc4MjczVzxtX

  1. O

    Campus / Community based EMS

    This is EXACTLY what we are aiming to do. The Fire Department is pretty much around the corner, but we are looking to stabilize the patient with a response time of less than 5 minutes. Also, the medic units that respond can take as little as 5 or as long as 20 minutes to arrive (depending on...
  2. O

    So tough to get hired...?

    Hi everyone, Thanks for the great replies the last few days. Moving isn't an option for me now, but I'll definitely be considering it in the future. And I'll keep applying, researching the paramedic schools, and definitely considering ER tech jobs. Thanks for the luck, right back atcha for...
  3. O

    So tough to get hired...?

    I'm still keeping my options open (i'd like to think so anyways), but for now I'll just say that my passion is in EMS, Emergency Services, and the like. We'll see how it goes from there =) DV EMT, I'm in between places at the moment. I'm in Thousand Oaks/Ventura County with my folks for the...
  4. O

    So tough to get hired...?

    Thanks everyone for your helpful replies. I'll be finishing college this quarter, and will definitely be looking into paramedic school as an option. (and depending on if I manage to get hired at an ambulance company. Daedalus, my fascination and desire has always been to work in the...
  5. O

    So tough to get hired...?

    Thanks for reply and help daedalus. Just a quick question about the paramedic programs - as I understand it, don't you need 1 year of experience onboard an ambulance? How do I waive this requirement?
  6. O

    Starting P90x ... i remain confident that we can finish the 90 days.

    Hey! I also went through P90X (considering starting my second round) How did you do?
  7. O

    So tough to get hired...?

    =) Thanks for the encouragement. Sorry! just one more question! =( Is it considered impolite/unethical/immoral/unprofessional to apply more than once to a company? these would be companies that I have not heard back from; I wouldn't apply to the ones who have said they would keep my...
  8. O

    Campus / Community based EMS

    Ooh. Gold mine! Thanks! I'm definitely going to be lurking there as =)
  9. O

    So tough to get hired...?

    Never mind :wacko:
  10. O

    Campus / Community based EMS

    Hi everyone, I'm part of a group at my university, trying to start up a campus-based EMS. We are making good progress, but I was just curious if anyone else on this forum was part of a campus-based or a community based EMS. Just in example, UCLA has an EMS program which is dedicated to the...
  11. O

    So tough to get hired...?

    You're right, almost none. On that note, do you think it is working against me to be coming from a different background (non-EMS)? Would EMT companies prefer to hire a "clean slate" so to speak?
  12. O

    So tough to get hired...?

    Ooh, I'll definitely be looking at the hospital based services. And yes, I've been putting in at 911 agencies as well as agencies where 90% of their services are IFTs. And I'll have to look into volunteering- from lurking I remember volunteering is a hot topic here on these forums, I'll read...
  13. O

    So tough to get hired...?

    Hi everyone, So, I got certified back in May of this year, and since then, I've been putting in applications left and right. I've put in at least 10 applications, all over the state (CA). So far, I've only heard back from 3; 2 who were polite enough to tell me that they were at full capacity...
  14. O

    Driving Skills Questions

    Hey, everything ^ the previous poster said. In addition, some companies will actually have an onboard computer/GPS system where you punch in an address for calls and will show you the fastest route. Keep in mind that these are the nicer companies with a little more money and more...