Recent content by Noncreative

  1. N

    STUDY: BLS better than ALS for trauma, stroke, respiratory distress

    I too, don't have full access to the study, but in the editorial published 10/13/15, It does state that the study used billing codes explicitly, and the only clinical information included was their adjustment for ISS.
  2. N

    Report: FIRE doing EMS should come to an end.

    Yeah, I like the idea of Fire restructuring towards EMR/BLS, but I've got no issue with them running ALS, whoever can get there fastest works for me. I do get the cost aspect of it, if fire would send an ambulance instead of a truck they'd be way more effective. But, as Micah said, it's their...
  3. N

    Mystery transports cost Medicare $30m

    I would have never thought of that, but now that I am, that makes a ton of sense. It would be a tough thing to stop/catch, especially if they're running emergency as a legit shell company. Short of a sting op, they'd be getting off scotch free.
  4. N

    Pulse check before ABCs in an Unresponsive PT?

    Just like start triage, you're checking if they're breathing AND maintaining airway. If you have to open their airway for them you've got a problem. Wouldn't be surprised if they add "check 5 sec w/out opening airway"
  5. N

    panic attacks in spinal cases

    Yeah, inform the PT that you suspect a spinal, and inform them of the risks, and if they're competent and informed they can refuse care. Documentation would be key, but it doesn't stop you from constantly trying to convince the PT to submit to backboarding. Although I can't think of many...
  6. N

    Car Accident

    Textbook MCI is anything that immediately overwhelms your resources, so in a rural or poorly equipped area, 2 could be an MCI
  7. N

    How are EMT-Basics treated in your region?

    Depends on how long the medics have been in the field, back when most of them started a EMT-B was little more than a EMR, and they never even noticed that EMT-B isn't even a rank anymore. Honestly a bunch of EMT's only contribute to the problem with poor presentation.
  8. N

    No C-Spine... Right call?

    Yeah, I'd agree that a collar is the right call, at least where I am, the combo of the possible height and altered LOC would call for C-Spine, but if the medic wanted it off, I'd let them remove it and document it for my sake when it comes to court.
  9. N

    Scenario: Can you actually treat this patient?

    Well, it is with a conscious and competent patient. But without a valid DNR, you're leaving yourself open to abandonment.
  10. N

    Pulse check before ABCs in an Unresponsive PT?

    Basically the difference between a responsive PT and unresponsive is that you quickly check pulse and breaths for 10 sec before ABC ect. At least, that's what AHA says.
  11. N

    How are EMT-Basics treated in your region?

    Not sure where you are getting trained as an EMT-B, NREMS phased it out completely last year.