Recent content by MDewell

  1. MDewell

    Having Trouble Passing NREMT-B - Suggestions?

    I took my test yesterday and after shutting off at question 80, the results appeared a day later on my screen confirmed my scares... "With regret, we must report that you have failed..." So now I'm trying to find flashcards, ect, to help me try again in a few weeks. Most of my questions...
  2. MDewell

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Stopped at Question 80 and failed 1st time.. Time to study more!
  3. MDewell


    What are you going to do if you decide a year or 5 from now that EMT isn't what you want? I thought about getting somethin' like this, but I'm my own worst critic. I'd hate to do that and then 5 years from now I move on to being a nurse or something.
  4. MDewell

    BLS Seizure?

    I was going to say something to this affect after reading the thread, but I was beaten to it. That reminds me..I can tell you from horror stories around here that nursing home nurses will tend to call for an ambulance for patient who's not responsive, and when the crew arrives, finds the...
  5. MDewell

    I just got the results from my 3rd NR attempt

  6. MDewell

    EMT-B Students!!!

    I've been posting updates in here as to what it's like in my neck of the woods. As for me..I'm finding myself looking foward to class every week, which is good, because otherwise I'll start suffering from ADOSS...Attention Deficit, Oh...
  7. MDewell

    New guy waitin' on school...

    thanks for the PM's on's definitely something I'm checking out once I (hopefully) pass the registry. Another update...last week we covered the cardiovascular system, and we have a pretty big test on Tuesday. This Thursday we are out of school, which pushed our test and CPR class up a...
  8. MDewell

    the 100% directionless thread

    I'm going to watch the NASCAR race in Fort Worth in a few weeks...anywhere I should check out as a hang out that Saturday Night? Club or a great place to eat?
  9. MDewell

    New guy waitin' on school...

    Oh...I also did find out locally here that out of the last class (18 graduated, 28 started) and this class (20 or so) that there will be 1 job, possibly 2, to fight over here in this county during the course of 2010. That got me looking at other areas. I've been eye'n EMSA in Oklahoma...
  10. MDewell

    New guy waitin' on school...

    update Just thought I'd give an update.. So we started school a few weeks ago. First day was 1 class of about 20 or so. We basically were there to get our books and go over the schedule for the year. Then we found out which class of 2 we were split up into. My class has about 9 people, the...
  11. MDewell

    Why is THIS answer right?

    But you don't know if she does or not...your treating an unresponsive older female.
  12. MDewell

    Why is THIS answer right?

    ....wouldn't that revert back to implied consent? I'm treatin' her...unless a gun shows up outta nowhere.
  13. MDewell

    the 100% directionless thread

    I'd like to ask this married woman out on a date, but I guess there's a few hangups...namely my wife.
  14. MDewell

    Why is THIS answer right?

    I'm with the majority here...unless the actual patient wakes up and expresses the same idea, or someone around her can miraculously preset a POA, I'm treatin' her UNTIL it becomes a scene safety issue.
  15. MDewell

    Working in EMS with a Felony Record

    If expungement is totally and absolutely 100% out of the question, I'd wonder exactly what it was you did. I'd be making some phone calls until I found a lawyer who could actually do something for me... Are you certain it's not expungeable? There are tons of issues with felons who think they...