Recent content by LyndseyJ

  1. L

    Any advice?

    Hey all, Just a quick question that I'm asking for opinions on. My ultimate goal is to be a flight nurse. However I cannot decide if I want to go to Paramedic school (I'm an AEMT) and then bridge to RN, or if I should just go ahead and go into the RN program. Any advice? Thanks!
  2. L

    First EMT Clinical Ride on Monday

    Lol well I'll keep that in mind.thanks(: haha
  3. L

    First EMT Clinical Ride on Monday

    Sorry MVA **
  4. L

    First EMT Clinical Ride on Monday

    My ride was amazing. Learned a lot of information and had a awesome MBA! Thanks all for the advice!
  5. L

    First EMT Clinical Ride on Monday

    Hey all, I have my first clinical ride on Monday, any advice? Thank you in advance.
  6. L

    Location, Location, Location.

    Sorry everyone for taking it too seriously! :) Hope everyone has a merry Christmas!
  7. L

    Location, Location, Location.

    Wow, some people are quite rude. I am new to this site, and I didn't realize that the location was on the side until after, my apologies. Also, I am not a stalker, so that is out of the question as well. I'm just saying, if you didn't like the thread, then why post anything at all? It's just at...
  8. L

    grady ems ATLANTA

    I'm not exactly sure. I go to school in Macon. But I think it would be the schools around Atlanta that would, maybe technical colleges near there?
  9. L

    Location, Location, Location.

    Originally from Michigan, but I live in Georgia now.
  10. L

    Location, Location, Location.

    So where is everyone from/where do you live now?
  11. L

    new on here

    Hey there. I'm new too! Welcome I guess:)
  12. L

    New Member

    Hi all! Just wanted to say hello! I am a new member to this website. I will be an AEMT on August 9th! :)