Recent content by ksmith3604

  1. K


    Wondered if anyone out there has been dealing with Spice?? If you dont know...I guess basically Spice is a "synthetic weed." Its not approved for human consumption, but as per the norm for our clients they dont listen to that. I generally run 12-15 calls in a shift and in the past month I'd...
  2. K

    IVs for EMT-B

    I actually laugh to myself when I read most of this thread as it seems that most EMT's are solely ambulance drivers.....thats too bad. I work in a very progressive system (el paso county, CO) and our EMT's play a huge role on the ambulance and in the FD. Our protocols include IV, fluid...
  3. K

    I hesitated. And this guy might've lost his life..

    I will just second everyone who has said dont beat yourself up. In my EMS system we never work a traumatic arrest. We are too far from the hospital. Additionally, medics in the city hesitate to work an arrest. I heard a great stat (I hate stats) the other day...."ONLY 1% of all trauma...
  4. K

    Pre-hospital Spinal Immobilization

    Just prefacing this entire post by saying I'm not asking anyone to do my homework or my research for just looking for some insight. Im doing a research paper on pre-hospital spinal immobilization. There is tons of research out there and there are tons of people who say yes and tons...
  5. K

    Immobilize or not?

    we use NEXUS. If the patient clears nexus we do not have to immobilize. As long as there are focal neurological deficits present, 2. no midline spinal tenderness, 3. No altered level of conciousness, 4. no intoxication present, 5. No distracting injury present. If any of these five things...
  6. K

    IV or no IV?

    Good call on the pricing. Not 100% sure about pricing in our system, however I think its more expensive to get a line in the bus rather than a line in the ER. Thanks for the posts....keep em coming!
  7. K

    IV or no IV?

    Im still trying to figure out exactly how I would go about this. I totally agree with both sides. Start the line, do the ER a favor, save the pt a stick later....but then again, I can see not starting the line because i don't need IV access for a treatment right this second.
  8. K

    Oral glucose or D50?

    Im with the people who said OJ and a sammy. I like to think outside of the box when it comes to treatments like that. If you can accomplish the same desired effect of a BGL above 60, and AAOx4, without giving a med....why give the med.
  9. K

    IV or no IV?

    Here's an argument that has come up in my system are transporting a patient who is stable and "may" need an IV later, however they don't necessarily need one right you start the IV during transport, or do you save it for the hospital. Is there anything wrong with...
  10. K

    Remove Motorcycle Helmet?

    The theme of this seems to be remove the helmet and airway management is priority. This is how I think of it...the helmet is going to come off at some point bottom line. Whether you pull it off in the field or the ER pulls it off....the patient isn't going to wear that helmet until they are...