Recent content by jogirl17

  1. jogirl17

    Just a comparison

    They said it was a patient transport , the hospital also has a Nightingale service I think its pt transfer, I need to talk to them again
  2. jogirl17

    Just a comparison

    Hi! I just got a job offer for a hospital transport company..this will be my first EMT job. I was wondering what is a hospital transport company like compared to working for the county, or normal transport companies? What should I expect to see and do?
  3. jogirl17

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    I'm Jordan, 22, very new EMT-B, I live in Gloucester, VA and I will soon start volunteering for my county. OK a little about myself, I love to hunt and fish! My boyfriend and I fish from kayaks! He usually catches more fish than I do, but I am slowly catching up with him! We also have 7 beagles...
  4. jogirl17

    Figure 1

    I LOVE THAT APP! I have to go on at least once a day to see all the updates
  5. jogirl17

    first call of the day is...

    25 yr F who is 19 wks pregnant with syncope in the middle of a department store!
  6. jogirl17


    Lol thanks for the replys, the coaster sounds great!
  7. jogirl17


    Hi you guys! Im newly certified and I just got my NREMT patch in the mail, and I was wondering what you guys did with them?
  8. jogirl17

    Handling the sight of blood

    The figure 1 app is awesome!
  9. jogirl17

    When should the NREMT be taken after completing emt class

    I finished my class in December, took my first test in march passed that, and took my cognitive last Thursday and passed! I recommend taking as soon as you can, because even though I passed, I wish I would have taken it sooner.