Recent content by Houstonemt

  1. Houstonemt

    Stethoscope recommendations

    Hey, I'm starting paramedic classes this fall and our instructor highly recomends a cardiology stethoscope. I recieved some financial assistance for the classes and uniform so I have a little extra to spend on a good stehoscope. Any recomendations?
  2. Houstonemt

    Life outside of EMS?

    Around my area we tend to run 24 hours on, 24 hours off,24 on and4 days off.
  3. Houstonemt

    Duty belt

    Ive caried a flashlight with me since i started. Its very useful in cramped apartments, lighting up house numbers when on scene, inside wrecked vehicles to look for victims and ive been to quite a few poorly lit trailer parks where you want as much visibility as possible.
  4. Houstonemt

    Too young to work, any advice?

    I would definitely not mind getting IV experience but our program doesn't train IV's until intermediate and I worry that a hospital will not want to waste time training a basic to do something like that when they can just hire someone already trained.
  5. Houstonemt

    Too young to work, any advice?

    That's kinda what I've been leaning towards... It's not ideal but at least its something.
  6. Houstonemt

    Too young to work, any advice?

    So have I, the issue isn't making money or even being employed really. My problem is I can't get any experience as an EMT.
  7. Houstonemt

    Too young to work, any advice?

    I recently got my basic certification and I can't find anyone to hire me. They all say the same thing, that I need to be 21 years old to be insured and they won't hire me until then. I'm only 19 years old and this is all I've wanted to do since I was 13. I really don't want to work in a hospital...