Recent content by Hollywood

  1. H

    Texas EMS Conference

    Forgot that was this weekend but it looks like I'm not gonna have the money.
  2. H

    Are You A "Heritage EMT"?

    My family tends to go where the money is. Back in the late 90s we lived in NE Texas and jobs apparently dried up around here. ( I was about 10) So they decided to go to Florida and get into construction/renovation, so my self and my brother and cousins grew up working in those type of fields...
  3. H

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    My friend and i both stopped at 76. I passed he failed.
  4. H

    Spinal Precautions

    Is the patient down or ambulatory when you AOS? If the the Pt id down when you arrive, you immediately assess LOC, Whether they have a pulse and respirations. Then move to your RTA start at the head looking for DCAP-BLS-TIC. Move to the neck, check for DCAP-BLS-TIC, JVD, and make sure the...
  5. H

    Preparing for Clinicals

    Ask the crew any question you might have and do everything they'll let you. (Within your SOP)
  6. H

    Surgical Airways

    The services I've ridden with only allow needle crics as opposed to the incision. East Texas
  7. H

    Pacific-Bowers Ambulance Los Angeles pre-employment test.

    Don't know if this helps, but the hospital based service i just got on with required as far as physical agility: 10mins of cpr - carry an o2 bag up and down a flight of stairs 3 times in about 45 secs to a minutes - crawl or bear walk about 100 FT - deadlift a dummy on a backboard from floor to...
  8. H

    newbe looking for the edge

    The company im about to get on with doesnt require extra cards but they would like BTLS or ITLS, and PEPP.
  9. H

    Scope of Practice for Each State - Discussion

    Quoted from Texas Department of State Health Services website: Texas does not have a rigid scope of practice for EMS personnel defined in rule or law as some other states do. That’s because Texas Medical Board rules allow physician-medical directors to delegate medical tasks to EMS personnel...