Recent content by HelpinMan

  1. H

    Ambulnz Health, LLC (Los Angeles County)

    You are incredible. Making fun of a video where (as Gavin mentioned) we delivered over 250 meals on Thanksgiving to people very much in need, and they were delivered to their homes. (if you haven't seen it, here is the link...
  2. H

    Ambulnz Health, LLC (Los Angeles County)

    I'm sure every owner underpaying their EMT's wants to see Ambulnz and this thread go away but that wouldn't be very American. Why not focus on the opportunity for the EMT's and try to match what is being done vs fighting it.
  3. H

    Ambulnz Health, LLC (Los Angeles County)

    So perfect. Whoever created this deserves a prize :)
  4. H

    Ambulnz Health, LLC (Los Angeles County)

    I guess like Google and Tesla only time will tell. You are correct, it takes time to build a strong company and a brand so we can check back in with each other in the coming months/years. I don't believe anyone is trying to chest beat, only reacting to people trying to discredit the...
  5. H

    Ambulnz Health, LLC (Los Angeles County)

    What has been shared is that if the industry looks at the business in a different way there is the possibility of creating new models that offer win win situation for EMT’s and employers. What was advertised has been backed up in person when people show up to learn more at the open houses (The...
  6. H

    Ambulnz Health, LLC (Los Angeles County)

    Interesting, so is the automatic reaction to attack anyone who is trying to make a difference? Shouldn't everyone be focused on trying to add to the change. Learn from it? Bring more change to the industry? I think it's naive to think that a corporation which purchased several local ambulance...
  7. H

    Ambulnz Health, LLC (Los Angeles County)

    Good one Dan. Call me crazy but based on this string I would say GoneFishing is an owner or HR person at a competitor and is having trouble recruiting. Perhaps he should focus on offering a better package to potential new hires and treating his employees well so they stay and give up on...