Recent content by gregoryjoel82

  1. G

    ? about ITLS

    I could've clarified that a little better. I'm a certified EMT-B, but am currently taking the EMT-I class.
  2. G

    ? about ITLS

    I just joined this site, howdy, and this'll be my first post here. Sorry if this has been covered on another post somewhere, so just point me in the right direction if it is. My question is dealing solely with trauma. I'm an EMT-B/EMT-I student. I just got my ITLS cert about a month ago and was...
  3. G

    What was your biggest screw up ?

    first ride ever as a basic tried checking a geriatric patient's bp above an i.v. in her arm...i got some wierd looks and a "v8" smack to the head, lol.
  4. G

    colorado or washington d.c.

    I need ya'lls help. I'm an EMT-B in NC lookin to move this summer. Colorado and Washington D.C. are at the top of my lists. Where I go is solely dependent on the job and con-ed opportunities. Soooooo......what can ya tell me? I want to get into tactical med/trauma eventually, so I thought D.C...
  5. G


    I'm only a Basic, so I'm still picking up on a lot of it, but the acronyms/shorthand that are used on this site, and i guess the medical field in general, drive me craaaazzzy. I can use "context clues" for most posts/books, but I know that out there in the nether regions of the internet there...
  6. G

    Looking for some study aids, not NREMT stuff

    here ya go here are a few... ( go to textbooks/manuals; videos are hit or miss )
  7. G

    ?'s about WEMT classes

    Pertaining to the WEMT, most schools i've looked over qualify you for only WEMT-B. So, hypothetically, when I get my EMT-I in a few months, and I get certified for WEMT-B, how do the certifications affect each other? Would I only be able to practice ALS in urban settings and BLS out yonder? How...
  8. G

    got the EMT-B, now what?

    Howdy ya'll. This'll be my first post here. I just got my EMT-B and am currently taking EMT-I. I've been asking around different forums for suggestions on good con-ed. I want to eventually get into trauma/tactical medicine, eventually, but I'm lookin for the basics right now. So far I've been...