Recent content by Getnjgywitit

  1. Getnjgywitit

    AMR - Alameda $

    I work there. You will make something around $20.?? during the academy and then I think it moves to something like $23.?? when you start your five call. This is for flex pay. Strike pay is I think $6 or $7 more. Not really sure. The pay scale is very confusing, but it pays pretty good...
  2. Getnjgywitit

    New EMT-SD County

    Nice! well congrats on getting in with R/M! It is good to work close with people that work for the city. They can help you along your journey plus there is room to move up with that company. I'm not sure if the contract has changed, but I'm pretty sure that after you've worked with them for a...
  3. Getnjgywitit

    New EMT-SD County

    I'm also curious as to who you applied with. I just moved to the bay area from San Diego. I used to work for a private company down there as well. If you get a chance put in application with Rural Metro as quickly as possible!
  4. Getnjgywitit

    Calling all help.

    Well I understand the pressure. I felt it too for the first few I did and I still felt it just when the bell rang for a call durning my internship! LOL So the best piece of advice I could give is to take your time. Make sure what you are seeing is what you are looking for. Look for landmarks...
  5. Getnjgywitit

    Calling all help.

    As I agree that attention to detail is very important in OUR chosen profession, spelling errors will occur, especially from someone who hasn't been using the terms or the medical dialogue for very long. I just think the comment was a bit snooty. I don't mind being corrected as we are all human...
  6. Getnjgywitit

    Calling all help.

    Well, I'm glad you picked up on my mistake. Your comment of "should we be performing procedures that we can't even spell?" was a bit of a pompous remark and completely uncalled for. You know as well as I know that the act of spelling and actually performing the skill are completely two...
  7. Getnjgywitit

    The Right Patient

    Thanks for posting the story! Great lesson!
  8. Getnjgywitit

    Not a virgin anymore...

    Well if it makes you feel any better, my first day as an EMT, my FTO smashed into a parked car while trying to park to get some coffee! LOL Ohh and try and use a backer. :)
  9. Getnjgywitit

    Calling all help.

    So what is causing you to be nervous? Do you feel like you are not educated enough on this skill? Is it just the whole gross factor? Or is it the fact you are jamming a plactic tube down someones throat? Here is something to remember. My preceptor once told me "Skills are the easiest thing...
  10. Getnjgywitit

    EMT-B pay rate?

    Matt, I'm in Califronia as well. From my experience the majority of EMT's start of at just over min/wage. It sucks to say, but there is a reason for that. EMT turn over rate is huge. Most Ambulance companies know that most people don't make a career out of being and EMT and that they need...
  11. Getnjgywitit

    Cardiac Arrest and Code 3 transport

    Our protocal was that after 3 rounds of meds and continuous cpr, if there was no rhythm change, you could call them at the scene. But I'm pretty sure we always transported code 3 if we did transport.
  12. Getnjgywitit

    Cardiac Arrest and Code 3 transport

    LMAO! Pretty obvious I need it huh?:wacko:
  13. Getnjgywitit

    Cardiac Arrest and Code 3 transport

    Hey Shane, I think I made a simple mistake with my definitions of cardiac arrest and just an M.I. Of course they aren't going to be conscious if they are in cardiac arrest. :blush: I haven't been thinking as a medic for a few months. If you don't use it, you lose it. Just trying to get the...
  14. Getnjgywitit

    Cardiac Arrest and Code 3 transport

    This is interesting, only because I was always told that if someone is in cardiac arrest and you go Code 3, you are only stressing the patient and yourself out more causing more stress. But when I was doing my internship, each cardiac arrest was different. Some we went Code and others we...
  15. Getnjgywitit

    Ohh my! What am I doing?

    Ok so quick story short. I've been a certified Paramedic for all of 4 months. I haven't been working as one because I've been enjoying being relatively free of responsibility and just been Bartending and racing motorcycles. But now the time has come where I need to start my career and have...