Recent content by FltMedicRob

  1. FltMedicRob

    Confusion on when to give Neb treatments and what to use..

    I'm a big fan of duo-neb when giving a breathing treatment. One thing that I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned here yet..... Solumedrol. Our protocols say that if you give a duo you give the Solumedrol with it.
  2. FltMedicRob

    Recommendations for a book on aviation?

    When you say aviation are you speaking about the particular aircraft you will be in or general aviation as far as airports. Flight restrictions in certain radius to the airports etc? When I was a flight medic in the army, we were expected to know the general manual for the Blackhawk and we had...
  3. FltMedicRob

    Random partners

    I have one job that I have a set partner (double medic) and the other that I get a random basic. I don't mind it either way. It's all about setting expectations and clearly communication what you want/need. For example if I get a basic I have never worked with before I will show them how I...
  4. FltMedicRob

    Three things that I dislike to do as a Paramedic

    Maybe my glasses are bit rose colored. I actually like helping the new kids learn to be better. I don't really mind BS calls, but we are only 15-20 minutes out from the hospitals. The only thing that really gets me is the out of town transfer that hits 45 minutes before the end of a 24hr shift.
  5. FltMedicRob

    What cardiac arrest looks like

    Wow, that's a fantastic article. Just forwarded it to our Opps Director and will use it as a training hour for our new medics (and the old ones if I get my way).
  6. FltMedicRob

    Army Reserves

    I would recommend checking out the reserves as well. There is a MEDEVAC unit out side of Tampa that might have openings. The issue with going into a company hoping to jump on a slot that opens up later is the issue of IF the company you are in at the time will let you go. I would also contact a...
  7. FltMedicRob

    first call of the day is...

  8. FltMedicRob

    I don't get it.

    In the imortal words laid down to us from the movie Stripes "Lighten up Francis". Its just a shirt. If you don't like it, don't buy or wear it. Personally I wouldn't buy one. I have enough Ranger Up shirts sitting in my closet that I wouldn't wear out of the house anymore, but was all about...
  9. FltMedicRob

    Americare skills test

    I have not, but I'm willing to bet if you are squared away and can pass national registry and know your protocols you should be good to go.
  10. FltMedicRob

    What do you drink on duty?

    Water, sometimes Gatorade, and in the mornings Coffee.
  11. FltMedicRob

    In need of help: study partner for EMT-B in Houston

    Here is what I would recommend, and have had success with new privates in the army world and now new EMT-Bs on the civilian side of things. Get to know your assessment sheets hands down. Take some clothes and lay them on your bed and make yourself an assessment dummy. Go over and over and...
  12. FltMedicRob

    Quick question, LCC

    I was in the 2nd class of the MM2P and yes the instructors are fantastic. The billing office is a bit "out there". As to folks that shouldn't be there, that will get sorted out. We had a few that we thought the same of and the last day they were not there anymore....
  13. FltMedicRob

    Strange situation happened on the ambulance last shift.

    I'm gonna have to chalk this one up to a bad night. I was frustrated with the partner I was working with that night anyway so it just kinda got added on to the pile.
  14. FltMedicRob

    Strange situation happened on the ambulance last shift.

    So here is a weird one and I am not so sure if I should or even can do anything about it. I was transporting an ETOH on my last shift and my partner agreed to let her boyfriend ride to the hospital with us (upfront of course, and this was after we had loaded her in and I was in the back...
  15. FltMedicRob

    Sunglasses on duty

    I have a pair of Oakley Strait Jackets that I wear. They are ballistic rated and honestly they are the best prescription lenses I have ever owned. That and giving half off for military and veterans helps out a lot too.