Recent content by firemedic

  1. F

    Your First Call

    My first Call My first call as a paramedic was dispatched as a gsw, one person down, unknown injury. Upon arrival, police informed me and my partner where the victim was, a 18 year old gang member had been shot in the big toe with a 22 caliber rifle. Long story short, he lost his big toenail.
  2. F

    DNR discussion

    Dnr I think the key thing to remember is that DNR does not mean do not treat. I think that is a big misconception among nursing home staff and nurses in NY state. Of the nursing homes I respond to, that is one of the most frequent states, they have a dnr, never mind the fact that the patients...
  3. F


    I am fairly new to being a paramedic, but I was taught not to use a tourniquet for an ej. An ej is done by sight and feel.