Recent content by EMSDan

  1. EMSDan

    First Week of Paramedic school....

    I finished EMT school around 3 months before I started Paramedic. So the only real experience I have is 82 hours of 911 clinical time. Pretty soon I'm going to try and find an EMT job while going on with Medic school just for the experience, but if I can't find one no big deal. Most of my class...
  2. EMSDan

    First Week of Paramedic school....

    I'm in my 3rd week of Medic school, and I feel the same way. It does feel overwhelming, but from what I'm told there will one day be a moment where it all clicks. Until then, I'll just keep studying until my eyes bleed.
  3. EMSDan

    First few weeks on the job?

    Seems like the majority of places offer plenty of time to get accustomed. I appreciate all the answers! Just one more question if I may. Is it better to work as an EMT-B while going through with Medic, or focus strictly on Medic school? Half of the people I've asked this to have urged me to get...
  4. EMSDan

    First few weeks on the job?

    I just finished up the NREMT, and now job hunting while waiting to start medic school. Anyway, I'm just wondering what the first few weeks are like as a brand new EMT-B working for the first time. Do they just throw you in the deep end, or are you treated as if it were an advanced clinical? By...
  5. EMSDan

    Woo! I passed!

    Thanks Jockey, I'm all set to go with Medic actually, orientation is this Thursday. I wouldn't mind IFT at all if I can find it, and I have no interest in going to fire school at any time in the near future.
  6. EMSDan

    Woo! I passed!

    You make a valid point. Perhaps I'll try working part-time as an EMT-B while in Medic school if possible.
  7. EMSDan

    Woo! I passed!

    I appreciate the advice, and yeah I know that's really not that much experience. I just don't want to wait around forever trying to find an EMT job, since I heard it's fairly difficult around Orlando to be hired as just a Basic. My best shot is to jump straight to Medic if I want to have a job.
  8. EMSDan

    Woo! I passed!

    Thanks everyone! It does feel great! I've been debating on whether to work as an EMT while going to Medic school, and the majority of people I've spoke with suggest focusing on one or the other. They say balancing your first EMT job while going to Medic school is too difficult of a juggling act...
  9. EMSDan

    Woo! I passed!

    Had to tell someone hahaha. By far the worst part is just how it shuts off immediately out of nowhere, then you have to wait. Glad it's over. Now on to Medic school...
  10. EMSDan

    checking pulses

    For me, the brachial seems easier to find if the patients arm is completely extended. Then place your index and middle finger in the medial part of their arm, just below the crease at the elbow. Hope this helps!
  11. EMSDan

    First Clinical

    I was told the same thing. It got to a point where three hours in after no calls they told me I could take it easy and relax. I responded with "Clearly this is a trap" and continued studying. Hopefully I won't be studying too much tonight, as I have my second clinical.
  12. EMSDan

    Hello from South Florida

    Hello from Orlando as well! Lot's of Floridians here...
  13. EMSDan

    final exam for emt b

    I have my final coming up in a month as well. It's a practical exam on the first day, and a written exam on the last day. Like it was said before, everything you've learned up to that point is fair game. I'm not sure if you're studying off the same book as I am (Emergency Care and...
  14. EMSDan

    First Clinical

    So my first clinical went very well! I got lucky and was able to ride with my lead instructor from school. We only had two calls that night (I'm guessing Sundays are slow) but I learned a lot from them. From the moment we went lights and sirens I knew that this is what I want to do with my life...
  15. EMSDan

    First Clinical

    I'll definitely post again to let you all know how it goes. I appreciate all the comments!