Recent content by EightBelles134

  1. E

    EMT School question

    I've decided to go to school and get my EMT license while i'm working towards becoming an issue is tuition.i can't afford to pay everything all at once.I live in the Portsmouth NH area.what schools do people reccomend?and do alot of EMT schools have payment programs?
  2. E

    concussions-how long does it take for symptoms to show up?

    I was at the barn yesterday riding and my horse spooked. I got told that I kinda fell of the back of my horse.I was told that I landed sort of on my side and twisted and rolled and landed on my back.At first I got back on saying I was fine but after my ride I got off and I started getting a...
  3. E

    should you call an ambulance for this?-back pain

    I am a horseback rider. I suffered a riding accident in May in which I was thrown from a horse and came down HARD on my back.I initally got the wind knocked out of me. And after I had recovered from that, I immediately felt a sharp,burning,stabbing pain in my lower left back.When I tried to move...