Recent content by Ducati_Fan

  1. D

    You might work for a private if.....

    When the HR personel can recite you ssn from memory b/c they deal with you on a regular basis because you check is always wrong. When you try to make the monthly audits at the hospital, and the day before and after you get off on time. But the day you get off five hours late because you had...
  2. D

    Vision requirements

    I am blind on my left side, it is mostly hit and miss with fire and rescue but privates usually dont have a problem with it from what I have noticed. The main thing to do is just make phone calls and talk to people at the prospective employers to find out.
  3. D

    question for emt's in Indiana

    I just got off of a run and had a question about something! We were transporting a pt. that had an IV and from what i was taught, basics cant transport patients that are on meds through IV. Is this true? I have had nurse after nurse tell me otherwise, but i think they are juust trying to get...
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    Looking for Laptop Advice

    Every ambulance that I have ever been on that has onboard laptops has used toughbooks. So I would say toughbooks all the way!
  5. D

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Just joined to learn what i can. I'm 25 and just starting out in EMS in central indiana. Can't wait to get this show in the road. I've always wanted to be an emt and finally started down this long road that I hope takes me on to greener pastures.
  6. D

    Trouble with class

    I agree with what everyone else is saying. Just remeber to not stress out and that 3x5 cards and highlighters are your best friends. Congrats on your mid-term!
  7. D

    jobs in indiana

    I'm actually looking for something more towards indy! Thanks for the info.
  8. D

    jobs in indiana

    Im just starting out in this field and am in the process of finding my first job as an emt-b. I live in central indiana, does anyone know of anyone that is hiring at the moment. Ive been applying and looking for a while now and all i get is "drop an application off". Any Ideas? Thanks in advance!!