Recent content by bumpus

  1. bumpus

    Study guide for the national registry exam

    I guess I had a different experience than most people who have taken the CBT. My friend and I both went to take the EMT-B, both of us felt that it wasn't very hard, both of our tests stopped in the low 70s, and we both passed. We had heard a couple horror stories from two classmates who took...
  2. bumpus

    What should I do about my job?

    Jedi, I'm inclined to agree with you about not accepting their new offer. You'll not only get paid less, but you won't even be an EMT anymore. :( Good luck with whatever happens!
  3. bumpus

    Accelerated Paramedic Schools

    Here's what Rid is talking about, Guardian:
  4. bumpus

    What should I do about my job?

    I agree with oldschool medic. If they're not willing to work with you as a new hire, they're most definitely not going to work with you later on. Plus it sounds a little odd that you were apparently under the impression that you were working much closer to home, then they informed you that you...
  5. bumpus

    How many of me?

    Yep, I'm one a kind also, according to that site.
  6. bumpus

    lurking question--not really ems related or anything

    I didn't even notice that message til you pointed it out, Doll. But don't feel bad, because I lurk mostly too. Being a student, I don't have too much to add:)
  7. bumpus

    Oil Rigs

    You could also try and Good luck!
  8. bumpus

    Got the Job!!!

  9. bumpus

    Omg! It Fits!!

    Hehe. You could at least be nice enough to go pick him up a $3 suit at Good Will ;)
  10. bumpus


    Don't be too hard on yourself, Jon. It looks like you at least know exactly what you did wrong, and that's really the whole point, isn't it? You learned from your mistakes:)
  11. bumpus

    Wikipedia game!

    Yep Here Is there anything Wikipedia doesn't know? :)
  12. bumpus

    Health Insurance

    My first thought, too. Your first post on an EMT site, and you ask about insurance, along with providing their website? Hmm.
  13. bumpus

    New family member

    Cute little guy! Is he from a pet store, or did you adopt him from a shelter?
  14. bumpus

    Non-EMT Dude Combating Bad Bugs

    Just because you don't like what Steve said, doesn't mean you have to get an attitude. I will say that if he gets stuck, he's either infected with something or not. You can't pour bleach on your finger or cut it off and stop it from spreading. If he thinks he's infected, he'll have to get...
  15. bumpus

    Hey All

    I realized that I forgot to introduce myself! Jon had reminded me to post a greeting, and then I forgot. Sorry Jon! Anyway, I'll be starting EMT-B class this coming semester, and I really joined just to get some insight in to the job, and I figure it couldn't hurt to know some people with...